Chapter 983: National teacher, let me assassinate (14)

Chapter 983 National teacher, let me assassinate (14)

Xiao Heng glanced at her.

looks inscrutable.

pretended to turn a blind eye to her loss.

No one knew what he was thinking at the moment.

at the same time.

The Prime Minister's House.


Prince Prince and Prime Minister Wei looked at each other with undisguised care in their eyes.

Prime Minister Wei said excitedly, "His Royal Highness, our people, saw Cha Cha get off the carriage of the National Teacher and followed the National Teacher into the Prime Minister's Mansion. It seems that this time, we really made a right bet!"

The prince did not hide his joy, "The national teacher is also a man after all.

As long as he is a man, he will not be indifferent to beauty! It's just a pity that Cha Cha took the risk this time! "

The Prime Minister sighed, actually a little sigh.

"I didn't expect that Cha Cha would have such courage, I hope she will be smooth sailing in the future, so, it can also help Her Royal Highness!

When the time comes, we will be able to get rid of Xiao Heng! "

Prince nodded.

The bottom of my heart is a little sour.

As long as he thinks that his fiancée, who had been following behind him before, is about to become Xiao Heng's person, he feels uncomfortable as if he was wearing a green hat!

He secretly swore.

One day, Xiao Heng will be removed, and then Wei Cha will be brought back!

Tsk, that face.

It can be said that it is a natural beauty.

He used to think that she had an empty face, nothing like Wei Yancong.

Now it seems that she actually made him a little invisible...

Wei Yancong is good, but unfortunately, his appearance is still a little off.

The prime minister was distracted when he met the prince.

He said, "Your Highness, Yan Cong is waiting for you in Yanyun Courtyard. I wonder if Your Highness has spare time?"

The prince heard the voice and returned to the divine way, "Of course there is time. Now that Chacha is not in the Prime Minister's residence, between Yancong and I, we naturally have to cultivate a good relationship."

Hearing this, the Prime Minister looked relieved.

Seeing that the prince was interested in Yancong, he felt relieved.

He loves this daughter very much.

I also hope that she will become the queen of Tianyao Kingdom in the future!

He was sorry for her mother back then, but now, he must seek a splendid future for her!

Yanyun Courtyard.

Wei Yancong reached out and touched his stomach.

There is already a child of the prince, and she will soon become the prince!

In the future, he will be the queen of the dynasty!

The beautiful apricot eyes are full of greed.

Indistinctly, I heard footsteps.

Wei Yancong turned his head and saw the prince at a glance.

She immediately got up and rushed over, "Brother Prince!" Her pretty face was full of crimson and shyness.

When the prince saw her like this, his heart softened a little.

"Be careful, you can't run around like this again in the future!"

His eyes fell on Wei Yancong's stomach, which was his child!

"Yannong misses the prince's brother, and is in a hurry..."

Wei Yancong lowered his head, embarrassed.

Prince's eyes darkened.

Although Wei tea is thicker and more beautiful than Wei tea, Naihe Wei tea is not very coquettish.

What he likes most is Wei Yancong's appearance as a bird.

He stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around Wei Yancong's waist, "Let's go in."

Wei Yancong blushed and said shyly, "It's daytime..."

The prince bent over and picked her up, "What are you afraid of? My people will guard outside the yard, no one will come in..."



Cha Cha was a little dazed after finishing dinner.

She hesitated for a while, but still asked.

"Guoshi, where should I take a bath? And clothes..."

Well, she took a tour around the National Teacher's House in the afternoon.

found that the National Teacher's House is basically all men, it seems that she is a girl.

Xiao Heng looked slightly startled, but he hadn't thought about this question.

He was negligent.

He remembered that there should be a woman in the dark guard.

"Lingyun, transfer someone from the dark guard to serve her."

(end of this chapter)