Chapter 985: National teacher, let me assassinate (16)

Chapter 985 National teacher, let me assassinate (16)

Chacha's pretty face showed a little smile.

His eyes were slightly sarcastic.

"If I don't leave the Guoshifu, why don't I just sit here and wait to be starved to death? Anyway, I'm not a servant of the Guoshifu. I haven't signed a betrayal contract, and I'm not a secret guard. Naturally, I can leave whenever I want!"

Hongying lowered her eyes, a flash of jealousy.

In a flash, it was back to normal.

"Master has told me to serve you. If you leave the National Teacher's Mansion, I can't tell the master. Miss Wei is deliberately embarrassing me."

Cha Cha burst out laughing.

The crisp laughter is like a silver bell.

"You are so funny, you are obviously disrespectful to me, and now you want to bite back? Do you think I am easy to bully?

You keep saying that the servants of the Guoshifu have no food after the lunch time. Am I a servant of the Guoshifu? I'm obviously Xiao Heng's guest!

You treat me like a servant, why should I be wronged here? "

When I have a hole in my head?

Hongying never thought that her thoughts would be revealed.

When   Ling Yun instructed, he mentioned that the person in front of him was Wei Cha, the eldest lady of Prime Minister Wei.

And Wei Cha caused a lot of uproar over the matter of the national teacher's divorce from the prince.

In Hongying's opinion, the master just took pity on her and brought her into the Guoshifu.

Even so, she was jealous that Chacha could be by her master's side, and thinking about Chacha's thoughts on the national teacher, she naturally wanted to teach her a lesson!

Cha Cha raised his feet and was about to leave.

Hongying took a step forward and reached out to stop her, "Miss Wei can't leave the National Teacher's Mansion!"

This time, the words were full of threats and warnings.

Cha Cha tilted her head to look at her, her clear eyes seemed to be able to see Hongying thoroughly, "Before your national teacher left, you never said that I couldn't leave the national teacher's mansion."

Her patience is also limited.

His wrist moved slightly, and he looked at Hongying with a smile.

If Hongying dares to do something, don't blame her for being rude.

Hongying, "But I didn't say that Miss Wei could leave the National Teacher's Mansion."

She paused, her eyes flashed slightly, and continued, "Miss Wei's status is no longer what it used to be. The national teacher kindly took you in, so why bother?"

Chacha nodded, "Well, what you said is very reasonable, and there really shouldn't be trouble, but it's obviously you who sent it to the door to find a fight, no wonder I!"

Hongying's eyes were sharp, "...Miss Wei." Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a difficult one to deal with.


Cha Cha seemed to have thought of something, smiling like a little fox.

She said softly.

"I see, Miss Hongying just wanted to provoke me, and then watched me leave the National Teacher's Mansion. In this way, the National Teacher will be angry and may not want to see me again in the future.

I'm so sorry, Miss Hongying, I accidentally guessed your thoughts. "

Hongying's expression tightened, and she immediately retorted, "You are talking nonsense!" Even if she had such thoughts, she would never admit it.

partial birth.

Cha Cha, as if deliberately, stabbed a knife into Hongying's heart.

"However, Miss Hongying, don't blame me for speaking badly. Your master asked me to enter the National Teacher's Mansion and stay by his side. Everyone knows what this means, so why do you pretend to be confused?

Shouldn't you...are you jealous of me? "

The expression that looks like a smile but not a smile makes Hongying excited.

She has been in the Dark Guard for so many years, but the master has never given her a second look. If there is no woman by the master's side, that's fine. Unexpectedly, such a vixen has appeared now.

In addition to a good-looking face, nothing is good!

Besides, he is still the ex-fiancee of the Crown Prince, who knows what this person is thinking about!

(end of this chapter)