Chapter 1002: National teacher, let me assassinate (33)

Chapter 1002 National teacher, let me assassinate (33)

The girls around Wei Yancong, everyone has a pleasing smile, and now she is the future crown princess, so naturally she is not to be flattered.

Cha Cha glanced at it, and immediately retracted his gaze.

Flattery, without any sincerity, with hypocrisy written all over his face, boring.

She tilted her head and stood quietly beside Xiao Heng.

There are many people around her who cast their gazes at her and Xiao Heng, either respectfully or afraid...

at the same time.

The girl around Wei Yancong let out a soft cry.

"What a beautiful dress!"

Hearing her voice, a group of people followed her line of sight.

Then I saw Cha Cha's dress made of water brocade. Under the sun, the skirt fluttered and shone brightly. With that bright and charming little face, many people sighed and envied.

Wei Yan's eyes darkened, and he was stealing her limelight again!


The Jinpa in her hand was clenched fiercely by her. After a while, she praised her as usual, "It's really beautiful, it should be the water brocade bestowed by the royal family."

She took her father's words to heart.

Now, we must not be in conflict with Chacha.

No matter how beautiful it is, it is useless, it is her stepping stone anyway...

I don't know who asked.

"Is she Miss Wei's sister, the number one beauty in Tianyao Kingdom?"

Wei Yancong's complexion changed dramatically.

Even if she regained her calm soon, the girls who were very close to her were keenly aware of the change, and some of them smoothed things out.

"Now who doesn't know that there is only a daughter like Miss Wei in the Prime Minister's residence? She is also the future crown princess!

Sister or something... You can't talk nonsense. How can someone who was kicked out of the house by the Prime Minister be called the sister of the future princess? "

"Yes, yes." Miss Liu, who had a good relationship with Wei Yancong, agreed.

She still remembers the loss she suffered at Piaoxiang Pavilion last time!

Miss Liu immediately changed the subject.

"Look, the national teacher standing next to her is so good-looking!" It's a bit of a pity that such an exiled character is cruel.

You can kill someone else while talking and laughing.

Tsk, this Wei tea is also amazing.

Can you actually stand beside the national teacher?

But so what? The national teacher has a very high vision and is not close to women. Maybe one day, Wei Cha said a wrong word and died.

I don't know what to think, but leave the crown princess alone, and have to run to the National Teacher's Mansion?

Isn't this a brain hole?

Many people think this way.

But some people think that Chacha has a deep-rooted love for the national teacher.

Otherwise, why would you give up so much for the national teacher?

Wei Yancong quietly listened to their whispers, and his expression was very well controlled.

The    eyes looked at the national teacher involuntarily.

was shocked.

This is the first time she has seen a national teacher.

His eyes fell on Cha Cha, who was beside the national teacher, and Wei Yannong suddenly burst into jealousy.

She always thought that the national teacher was very old, but she never thought that she was so young that even the prince was overshadowed by him.

And this person made the prince and his father very jealous, and in many respects, he was superior to the prince and his father.

She half-squinted.

looked in the direction of Chacha like a torch.

The water brocade is really beautiful!

The father and the prince never had water brocade in their hands...

Unfortunately, the person who was kicked out of the house and became her stepping stone had water brocade.

Jealous of this thing, how can she control it?

I really want to ruin her good sister...

Bloodthirsty thoughts flashed by.

Chacha keenly caught something, and his eyes unexpectedly hit Wei Yancong's gaze.

Looking at each other, Wei Yancong smiled slightly.

Cha Cha turned his head expressionlessly, ignoring her.

Wei Yancong, "..." I will endure it!

(end of this chapter)