Chapter 1007: National teacher, let me assassinate (38)

Chapter 1007 National teacher, let me assassinate (38)

Prince this move is cruel enough.

is indeed bearable.

one to achieve their goals.

Secondly, he got rid of Wei Yancong's children, and also avenged Wei Yancong's betrayal by the way.

It is estimated that Wei An would never have thought that the prince could design such a thing?

Even himself is counted, and fame is used as bait.

This banquet is not interesting anymore.

Xiao Heng left with Cha Cha.

That night.

The prime minister's mansion was in chaos.

And the National Teacher's Mansion was dead silent.

Cha Cha sat on the soft couch, his face full of innocence.

"I warm the bed for you, you are not happy, I don't warm the bed for you, and you are not happy!" What are you thinking?

She is too difficult.

The secret guard of the National Teacher's House hidden in the dark sighed silently. I didn't expect that the master was such a person?

Really started with the little girl?

is simply horrible!

cough, but...

Warm the bed.

sounds super exciting.

Ling Yun removed a few of the dark guards near the main courtyard in order to prevent the secret guards from hearing what they should not hear. At the same time, he began to wonder, should he ask the master what his plans are in the future?

After all, there is still a long time in the future, and some things are inconvenient for the dark guard to hear, but the dark guard still has to protect the safety of the master, alas, this problem is too difficult to solve.

Xiao Heng stared at her for a while, his eyes heavy, "Since you want to warm the bed, then warm it!"

He is not a gentleman.

She delivered it to the door herself, why didn't he?

He raised his hand to hug her.

Cha Cha subconsciously avoided it.

Yigulu turned to the other side and looked at him with watery eyes, "Don't you want to wrap me in the quilt again!"

Last time, she struggled for a long time without getting the quilt off.

If he wraps her in again, she thinks she might be autistic.

Xiao Heng snorted angrily.

turned his head and left.

After taking two steps, I felt a little lost.

Why does he care about her?

Care about it and care about it, but in the end, you are still sulking yourself?


He turned his head, walked over, picked up the little **** the soft couch, strode into the room, threw the person on his bed, and threatened in a cold voice, "Keep the bed warm! You can only lie here until I come back. "

Chacha, "???"

was stunned for a few seconds, and Chacha realized what he meant and nodded, "Okay!" This time, she must have kept the blanket warm.

Xiao Heng glanced at her, turned and left to take a bath.

Chacha was lying on the bed, hugging the quilt and huddled in a ball.

"Qiqi, I suddenly found out that it is difficult to warm the quilt."

77, […] In fact, if you change the method, it will not be difficult.

It remained silent.

Chacha was lying on the bed alone, and soon felt bored, "Xiao Heng seems to have spent a long time taking a bath this time."

Qiqi thought about it, [Would you like me to find some TV series for you to watch? Pass the time. 】

"Well, okay!"

She turned her side, pulled the corner of the quilt, covered her head and got under the quilt, thinking she was doing something bad.

77, 【? ? ? what are you doing? 】

Just watching a drama, why is it so strange?

Chacha solemnly explained, "Watching dramas and snacks are better!"

She said as she felt out a cloud cake, it tasted super good.

Seven-seven, […]

After taking a bath, Xiao Heng blew a cool breeze in the yard for a while before entering the room.

He closed the door, and from a distance he saw a small lump under the quilt on his bed.

Xiao Heng, "..."

There is no need to think about it at all, the dumpling in the quilt can only be that little thing.

However, it's just a warm bed, do you need the whole person to shrink in?

Don't you feel bored?

Xiao Heng walked over with doubts.


The short sweet essay "The Actor Who Posted His Marriage Certificate" Mu Rujiu, the full text is 50,000 words, it's over, you can go check it out

(end of this chapter)