Chapter 1020: National teacher, let me assassinate (51)

Chapter 1020 National teacher, let me assassinate (51)

After the third princess returned to the palace, she lost her temper indiscriminately.

caused many maids in the palace to be overwhelmed with fright.

for fear of being targeted by the three princesses accidentally.

Prince's Mansion.

The prince's expression became more and more severe when he heard the news.

He specially asked the third princess to lead her to the State Teacher's Mansion, but in the end... the third princess came back with a slap in the face.

Even the bodyguards he brought with him were left in the National Teacher's House.

This time, the three princesses lost all face.

What surprised him was the status of Chacha in the National Teacher's House.

This has clearly won Xiao Heng's trust and favor.

In this case, he still hasn't attacked Xiao Heng for a long time. He felt that Wei Yannong might have been right... She betrayed him.

The prince slapped the table hard, he must make her and Xiao Heng pay the price!

Not only that.

The more the prince thought about it, the more angry he became.

The whole person is not well.

Wei Yancong gave him a green hat, and he finally found a way to solve it.


Wei Cha also gave him a green hat?

And she also personally agreed to seduce Xiao Heng.

But in the end, he betrayed him?

Prince's chest rose and fell violently, and the whole person was not well.

After he thought about it.

went to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

This time, we can't just let it go.

Wei An must find a solution.

When Wei An heard this possibility, his face was dark and terrifying.

Prince Xingshi asked for guilt, obviously there was evidence.

Even Wei An himself did not expect that Cha Cha would dare to betray them!

"His Royal Highness, this time, it was the old minister who was negligent and raised a rebel girl!"

He gritted his teeth and had a headache.

If there is a chance, he must bring people back and teach him a lesson!

Wei Yancong thought for a moment and said, "It's better to confirm this matter, maybe, what's the trouble with my sister, otherwise, if we misunderstood, it would be bad.

Besides, my elder sister likes His Royal Highness so much, how could she be empathetic? It's not that I really have deep-rooted feelings for the national teacher..."

Wei Yan thickly said something.

The prince was even more angry.

I almost vomited blood.

Wei An winked at her helplessly, motioning her to stop talking.

Didn't you see what the prince's anger was like?

personally gave his fiancee to Xiao Heng.

I thought I could get rid of Xiao Heng, but in the end, I was turned back?


Wei An lowered his head in thought.

If this is the case, I am afraid the situation is not very optimistic.

He glanced at Wei Yancong thoughtfully.

This glance did not escape the prince's eyes.

His eyes darkened.

As if thinking of something.

sighed, "Forget it, it's my fault for being too confident.

Xiao Heng is not only powerful, but also handsome and unparalleled, even if Chacha is addicted to his sweet words, it is normal.

In addition, Chacha is the number one beauty in Tianyao Kingdom. It is not unacceptable for these two to be together.

Oh, this time, I was negligent. "

Wei Yancong's thoughts flew quickly.

She also saw the national teacher that day.

Speaking of appearance, even the prince can't compare.

And the power in his hand is even more unmatched by the prince.

Cha Cha is with the national teacher, and there are top-quality water brocades to make clothes casually. She has been with the prince for many years, and she has never seen water brocade.

Come to think of it, there are more good things in Guoshifu.

The corners of her lips tickled.

An idea ran through his mind quickly.

Chacha can be favored by the national teacher, why can't she?

She took a step forward and said seriously, "Brother Prince, Daddy, why don't you let me go to the National Teacher's Mansion, just so you can ask my sister what's going on.

Moreover, I am a weak woman, I believe that the national teacher will not be too embarrassed for me..."

(end of this chapter)