Chapter 1030: National teacher, let me assassinate (61)

Chapter 1030 National teacher, let me assassinate (61)

Three princesses saw strong hatred in Hongying's eyes.

Even nodded, agreeing to this!

She curled the corners of her lips and laughed a little crazy.

"Okay, this princess does what you said, you must not let this princess down."

Hongying, "No matter the cost, Hongying will definitely get rid of her!"


Two days later.

Three princesses and Hongying found a very suitable opportunity, and then made a plan.

Cha Cha and Xiao Heng went out to Piaoxiang Pavilion together.

As always, Xiao Heng was waiting for her outside.

Just this time.

The three princesses suddenly appeared and entangled Xiao Heng outside.

"Brother Guoshi, what a coincidence! I didn't expect to meet you here. Do you also like the pastries from Piaoxiang Pavilion?"

She looked at Xiao Heng with a soft voice, her eyebrows full of coquettishness.

Xiao Heng ignored her, raised his hand and pulled down the curtain of the carriage.

isolates people.

The face of the three princesses changed immediately.

"Brother Guoshi, did I do something wrong? Are you not even willing to tell me a word?"

Xiao Heng, "..." It's so noisy.

Forget it, for the emperor's sake, he wouldn't do anything to her in person.

"Lingyun." He said.

Lingyun immediately stood in front of the three princesses, with a strong intention to do something at any time.

Three princesses, "..."

She squinted.

Take a look at the heavy curtain.

Oh, sooner or later, I will let you beg me!

at the same time.

Fragrance Pavilion.

Chacha smelled an unusual aroma as soon as I entered the door.

This is not the scent of pastry, although it is mixed in, she can still identify it quickly.

Not only that.

Usually there are many guests in Piaoxiang Pavilion.

And today, there are no extra guests besides her.

The empty shop is very strange.

She frowned, as if thinking of something.

Unexpectedly, some people really can't wait.

A bit of slyness flashed in her round eyes, she took a few steps forward, and her body swayed.

Next second.

A red figure appeared.

The icy blade stabbed at her heart.

In an instant.

Cha Cha's shaky figure suddenly nimbly avoided the sword.

I saw someone coming.

She tutted twice.

"We meet again, Hongying."

is really a thief.

Just want to kill her? As for?

She doesn't seem to have done anything to Hongying from beginning to end?

Hey, is he infatuated with Xiao Heng to the point of madly wanting to kill her?

She is so miserable.

turned around and asked Xiao Heng if he could stay away from her.

Maybe, she will become very safe.

Qiqi, [...] Xiao Heng won't let you go!

Hongying looked at Chacha in shock, "Are you all right?"

This is her special drug, how can it be useless?

Chacha blinked, looking innocent.

"Maybe your medicine is fake? So it doesn't work for me. Look, you've been standing here for so long, isn't it okay?"

Hongying's face changed.

She's fine, that's because she took the antidote in advance.

Of course she's fine.

But it doesn't matter, it has come to this point anyway, she must kill this vixen!

Such a good opportunity must not be easily missed.

"What are you doing with so much nonsense? Today next year will be your death day!"

Chacha, "!!!" Cut, who wouldn't speak ruthlessly?

"It depends on whether you have that ability or not." She smiled, her brows and eyes curved, innocent and harmless.

Hongying felt a little scary for some reason.

His eyes were quickly replaced by hatred.

The three princesses are dragging time on Xiao Heng's side, she must solve it as soon as possible.

The sharp sword in his hand stabbed Chacha quickly.

Cha Cha quickly kicked her and threw Hong Ying on the ground to vomit blood.

But she ran out quickly, calling Xiao Heng as she ran.

Well, I'm so scared!

(end of this chapter)