Chapter 1033: National teacher, let me assassinate (64)

Chapter 1033 National teacher, let me assassinate (64)

Cha Cha looked at Wei An for a while.

Those water eyes are clear and translucent.


Wei An couldn't bear such eyes, too clean, too spotless.

He was in her eyes, ashamed of himself...

Cha Cha said seriously, "I'm either here to pick you up, or I have bad news to tell you."

Wei An was startled and looked at her in astonishment.

Now, what news can be considered bad news for him?

The emperor wants his life?

is also expected, not bad news.

Cha Cha, "Wei Yan is dead."

The look on Wei An's face instantly burst.

"What did you say?" He asked her in disbelief, holding the railing of the cell with both hands.

how can that be?

How could Wei Yancong die!

That kid is so smart, how could it be possible...

and many more.

Wei An stared at Chacha angrily, and suddenly asked, "Is it you! Did you hurt her!"

Now that Chacha has the support of a national teacher, it must be easy to start with Yan Cong, "How can you be so cruel? She is your sister!"

Wei An old tears.

His poor daughter...

Cha Cha silently watched Wei An cry, looking very sad.

She thought about it and interrupted his cry.

"I didn't touch her, believe it or not, I just came to tell you the news."

In addition, she won't ask any more questions about the Wei family.

Leaving these words, Cha Cha turned around and left.

Clean and neat, never looked back.

Wei An has never had Wei Cha, a daughter, in his heart.

It was like this before, and it is still like this now.

In this case.

Why should she put Wei An in her eyes?

Wei Yancong was killed because of her miscalculation, which was also her own fault.

She got out of the prison.

Xiao Heng was waiting for her.

When he saw her, the corner of his lips hooked, and he stepped forward and hugged him into his arms.

The little thing won't let him enter the prison, there is no way, he can only wait here, hey, he has no conscience, he dragged him to the prison, just to let him open the back door for her, so that she can walk in unimpeded.

"Xiao Heng, let's go home!"

The little girl's voice was soft.

softened to the depths of Xiao Heng's heart.

She said: Xiao Heng, let's go home...

For her, the National Teacher's House is already her home.

Xiao Heng realized this problem and felt extremely happy, indescribably happy.

He slapped the person and picked him up.

said solemnly, "Well, go home."

The world is big, but being with the person you like is happiness.

Where you are with the person you love is home.

Cha Cha buried his head in Xiao Heng's neck in embarrassment.

"Why are you hugging me all of a sudden? I can go by myself." When so many people saw him hugging her, um, a little embarrassed.

Xiao Heng was in a good mood to tease her when he saw the little girl was shy.

"Walk outside with you in my arms, and others will know how important you are to me, and no one will dare to embarrass you in the future."

Chacha, "!!!" like this?

The little girl looked at Xiao Heng excitedly.

"Then you hold me and walk two more laps, and I will walk sideways in Tianyao Kingdom in the future!" Dominate one side!

Xiao Heng nodded with a smile, "I listen to you, what you say is what you say."

Chacha muttered, and buried her head in his neck again, "..." She was embarrassed to hear him say that.


The evidence that Wei Yancong was killed by the third princess, Ling Yun quickly found.

Xiao Heng did not hesitate after getting it.

simply and decisively handed it over to the emperor.

The emperor's eyes were black.

I have always known that this third daughter of my family is self-willed and arrogant, but she only thought that this was her true temperament, and she was not polluted by those messy things. I never thought that she was actually a ruthless person...

(end of this chapter)