Chapter 1053: School grass he is super fierce (19)

Chapter 1053 The school drafts him super fierce (19)

Hearing what Gu Yanran said.

Chacha understood instantly.

It turned out to be for Lu Beiting!

Tsk, Lu Beiting is really troublesome, just because he was sitting at the same table with him, first Gu Yanran found fault, then Yan Liang, and now even Su Xue came to scold her.

She thought for a moment.

looked up at Gu Yanran, "Then tell me, what should I do?"

Gu Yanran was overjoyed.


After being scolded for a few words, haven’t you let go?

She said nothing and looked at Su Xue.

Su Xue is here, so naturally it's not her turn to make up her mind.

Su Xue, who was in a fit of anger, glared at her, "Now you know what's wrong? You'll change your position tomorrow and stay away from Lu Beiting!

He is not someone you can offend. If you say something wrong, the entire Gu family will have to follow you to finish the game! "

After that, Su Xue seemed to remember something.

She tilted her head to look at Gu Yanran.

Hey, it's still pleasing to the eyes of my daughter.

She added, "Well, you and Yanran change positions, let Yanran sit with Lu Beiting as the same table, and you sit in Yanran's seat."

Her family Yanran is not only beautiful, but also has good grades.

She is talented and has been raised as a little princess since she was a child.

If you can take this opportunity to befriend Lu Beiting now, then the future will be even more limitless.

No one will miss a great opportunity.

And Yan Ran is many times stronger than this girl.

This girl can be Lu Beiting's tablemate, and Yanran changing positions with her will only make Lu Beiting more satisfied.

Su Xue's abacus hit a loud one.

Even if Yan Liang was by her side, she didn't care.

Gu Yanran keenly noticed that Yan Liang seemed to be a little displeased. Speaking of which, she was Yan Liang's fiancée after all, and she couldn't let Yan Liang lose face.

Although, she really wanted to be Lu Beiting's tablemate.

But the words cannot be said.

She whispered, "Mom, why do you want me to sit at the same table with Lu Beiting? Where will brother Yan Liang's face go?"

When Su Xue heard this, she naturally realized that what she just said might not be appropriate.

She quickly explained, "Yan Ran, isn't it for you? You and Yan Liang are a family sooner or later, Cha Cha is a very stupid girl. If she said something wrong and made Lu Beiting unhappy, wouldn't the Gu family be miserable?

If you were his tablemate, he would do a lot better than Chacha in every aspect, so I would be relieved, and I wouldn’t have to worry about accidents.

And if you are very Lu Beiting, if you can talk to him and introduce Yan Liang to know him, this is a sure thing! "

Su Xue looked at Yan Liang as she spoke.

Yan Liang was still young, and he was persuaded by a few words.

He nodded, agreeing with Su Xue's proposal, "Yan Ran, thank you for your hard work."

Gu Yanran nodded her head in embarrassment, "Hmm..."

Actually, I was very happy.

After watching the whole process, Cha Cha, who has been ignored by these people, was stunned.

I didn’t expect that you could still play like this? ? ?

Should she say that Su Xue is shameless or should she say that Gu Yanran is too confident?

See the heated discussions among the three of them.

Chacha thought about it, but didn't pour them cold water.

After watching a few people discuss it.

Gu Yanran looked at Chacha with an apologetic expression, "Sister, you should have no opinion."

Chacha, "No opinion." Just be happy.

After all, there is a big gap between reality and imagination.

Gu Yanran smiled, she was a good girl.

She can't wait to be at the same table with Lu Beiting!

Qiqi asked casually, [Chacha, are you really okay with it? 】

Chacha, "I have no opinion! But Lu Beiting should have an opinion."

Alas, there are always people chasing shame, what can she do?

(end of this chapter)