Chapter 1060: School grass he is super fierce (26)

Chapter 1060 The school drafts him super fierce (26)

Lu Beiting thought for a while.

The little girl is so pitiful, if he eats with her, he can let everyone know that she is under his protection.

He nodded and responded, "Hmm."

Chacha, "???"

"I asked you where to eat?" What are you?

Lu Beiting, who was not in a good state, his eyes flashed slightly, "I nodded to mean to eat with you, I don't understand? I'm stupid."

Chacha, "..." But you still didn't say where to eat!

She wanted to ask again, and then saw Lu Beiting staring at her indifferently.

Cha Cha immediately lowered his head.

Don't ask, don't ask, just be happy.

Lu Beiting was overjoyed by her small appearance.

How can there be such a cute little girl.

Soft and easy to bully!

After school in the morning.

Chacha turned to look at Lu Beiting, "What do you like to eat? I invite you."

Lu Beiting said concisely, "Canteen."

Cha Cha was stunned, is it the cafeteria?

The slender little hand touched his pocket subconsciously and was in a dilemma, "I-I don't have a meal card yet."

Can't go to the cafeteria.

Lu Beiting's lips twitched, looking at her with a half-smile, "It's okay, add a WeChat, I'll swipe the meal card, and you can transfer it to me."

After that, he took out his mobile phone.

chacha, “…”

God makes a special transfer!

She took out her phone and added his friend with a snort, and then transferred the money to him. When transferring the money, she suddenly remembered that they hadn't gone to dinner, and the meal card had not been swiped. What's the hurry for the transfer?

Chacha put the phone back in his pocket and said softly, "I'll pass it on to you after dinner!"

Lu Beiting, "..."

He always felt that the little girl had misunderstood him.

Am I the kind of person who will take your money?

Obviously I just want your contact information...

The two went to the cafeteria together.

Lu Beiting is slender, and Chacha walks with him, inexplicably feeling that he is a bit shorter than him.

Cha Cha silently opened a little distance from him, walking behind him, stepping on his shadow from time to time, "..."

And the classmates who came and went around were shocked and speechless.

Behind Lu Beiting, there is a pretty girl behind!

Three minutes, I want all her information!

The    forum exploded.

The previous post that Gu Yanran's sister Gu Cha hooked up with Lu Beiting was upvoted again.

at the same time.

This morning.

Gu Yanran sat next to Lu Beiting,

angered Lu Beiting, and the fact that he was yelled at by him was also revealed by people familiar with the matter.

And so.

The    forum is so lively.

When Gu Yanran saw it, her whole body was about to go crazy.

Such a shameful thing, how could she allow it to be publicized?

She immediately sent a message to Yan Liang and asked Yan Liang to help resolve the matter. Soon, all posts about Gu Yanran on the forum were deleted.

And the posts of Gu Cha and Lu Beiting are still up there.

Everyone just felt that their mood was extremely complicated.

Many people are more or less rebellious.

The more    is deleted, the more I want to discuss it.

Lu Beiting and Gu Cha can discuss, why can't they discuss Gu Yanran?

The time is right now, and it happens to be the end of school time.

Many people were eating and brushing their mobile phones, and they had a lot of free time. All of a sudden, posts about Gu Yanran swept in again.

There are even high-profile posts asking:

[The school flower sat in a position that did not belong to her, and was reprimanded by the school grass: Get out! 】Why can't we discuss this matter?

I have done everything, why not let me say it?

Who doesn't know who the school grass is? Do you have to lean over to find it?

The same is the daughter of the Gu family, why the other, Lu Xiaocao, didn't let people go?

When Gu Yanran saw this post, she threw the chopsticks in her hand in anger.

(end of this chapter)