Chapter 1065: School grass he is super fierce (31)

Chapter 1065 The school drafts him super fierce (31)

Gu Yanran bit her lip and tried to explain, "I didn't do it on purpose, I was because..."

Lu Beiting interrupted her impatiently, "Then Miss Gu will also try taking a taxi by herself tomorrow, and I will find someone to supervise."

No apology? Then experience it yourself.

Gu Yanran, "..." Who wants to walk to take a taxi by himself! This is the villa area, and you have to walk a long way to get a taxi.

Gu Yue has a complicated mood.

He has raised Gu Yanran for so many years, and he knows a little bit about her temperament. She has never been as gentle and harmless as she seems, but he didn't expect that she would use that cleverness on Chacha.

Even though he had raised Gu Yanran for many years, he was still a little unhappy when he heard this situation.

Even though he didn't have much family affection with his biological daughter, he was still his daughter anyway. Gu Yanran's approach would be too disrespectful to him.

"Yan Ran, I apologize to your sister. In addition, if you take a taxi to school tomorrow, it can be regarded as a punishment for you, so you don't have to do it again next time."

Gu Yue made the final decision.

's icy tone is beyond doubt.

Even Gu Yue said so, Gu Yanran knew that she couldn't escape this time.

She nodded disappointedly, "Hmm."

It's just that Gu Yanran didn't mean to apologize.

Lu Beiting suddenly discovered something new and interesting when he watched the play.

Gu Yue seemed to be fair, but in fact he didn't care about Chacha. After hearing this, he neither asked if Chacha was tired nor if she got a taxi.

And Madam Gu, tsk tsk, all her thoughts were on Gu Yanran.

As for Gu Yanran, she is still unwilling to apologize, so he still insists on asking her to apologize to his little roommate!

"Miss Gu, what are you waiting for? Is it so hard to apologize?"

Lu Beiting's voice sounded faintly.

Gu Yanran shuddered, "..." What the **** is going on with this person?

She secretly glanced at Lu Beiting.

The coldness and hostility of the boy gradually exerted on her.

Gu Yanran lowered her eyes and thought for a while, knowing that this time there was nothing she could do.

If he doesn't apologize, Lu Beiting may have to toss for a long time.

She said in a small voice, "I'm sorry."

Lu Beiting, "The voice is louder, I can't hear clearly, who are you apologizing to!"

Gu Yanran's hands clenched into fists by her side, isn't it just an apology? There will be no less meat. Anyway, there is no one else here. If you apologize, you will apologize...

She looked at Cha Cha, her voice trembling, "Sister, I'm sorry."

Chacha tilted his head, looked at Lu Beiting obediently, his eyes were full of light, "!!!" That's amazing!

A few words scared the Gu family into this.

And Lu Beiting was really good. Although he looked fierce, he stood up for her. At this moment, she was only full of emotion.

Oh, no, there are doubts.

Lu Beiting's identity?

looks awesome.

Qiqi, […Wait a minute, didn’t I share Lu Beiting’s information and identity with you? 】

Chacha, "..." You didn't say it.

That's it, now is not the time to discuss this, I have time to talk about it.

Qiqi flinched. needs careful reflection!

Lu Beiting raised his hand and rubbed the little girl's head, "What do I do? She is apologizing to you, do you want to forgive me?"

Cha Cha thought about it seriously, and the next second, she saw Su Xue's threatening eyes, "!!!" She was so frightened that she immediately covered her little heart!

Well, it's scary!

"Didn't you tell her to take a taxi by herself tomorrow? Then try hard for her to experience what it's like to be unattended." As for Yuan not forgiving?

Of course not forgiving.

Gu Yanran killed the original owner, only a fool will forgive me!


Six more.

(end of this chapter)