Chapter 1073: School grass he is super fierce (39)

Chapter 1073 The school drafts him super fierce (39)

Gu Yue glanced at Gu Yanran, as if he knew what she was thinking.

He said coldly, "Don't look for it, your mother has something to do and doesn't have time to see you."

Gu Yanran's face turned pale.

forced himself to calm down, "Father, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Gu Yue laughed angrily, "Don't understand?

Yanran, Yanran, you are really my good daughter. The Gu family has raised you for so many years, yet you turned your hands on Chacha and spread rumors that she was an illegitimate daughter and that her mother was a mistress...

You clearly know that she is my biological daughter. Where did you put your mother by doing this?

Have you ever thought about her feelings? She spoils you so much, when you start, don't you think about her? "

When he found out the truth.

Even he himself could not believe it.

Gu Yanran and Yan Liang are the masterminds behind the scenes?

That kid Yan Liang has no brains. If he can do this, someone must have instructed him, but Gu Yanran can't wait, and has moved his hands and feet?

The connection among them is not difficult to guess.

Gu Yanran said something at Yan Liang's place again, which made Yan Liang think.

Gu Yanran's expression changed again and again, gritted her teeth and refused to admit it, "I really don't understand what you mean, is there any misunderstanding?"

Gu Yue raised his hand and threw the evidence in front of her.

"At such a time, don't you admit it?"

Gu Yanran, "…"

She trembled.

She was negligent.

Gu Yue, who can make the company run smoothly, how could he not find evidence...

For a moment, Gu Yanran's eyes were flushed, and tears were falling down.

"Sorry, it's my fault.

I didn't understand for a while... I was afraid, I was afraid that you would not want me, so I did such a thing...

Dad, I don't have any other relatives. I have been in the Gu family for so many years, and you are my relatives. Now you suddenly tell me that everything is wrong. I really... can't accept it...

I'm so scared, I'm scared of having nothing..."

Gu Yanran was talking, tears could not stop falling, and the crying pear blossoms brought rain.

Gu Yue sighed heavily.

"Then you can't do these things either!"

Gu Yanran didn't speak, and kept crying there.

Crying to the end, Gu Yue softened a bit.

After raising him for so many years, how could he be willing to see her cry like this?

Since childhood, Gu Yanran has never cried so fiercely.

Gu Yue slowed down his voice and discussed.

"Yanran, you are my daughter and the daughter of the Gu family. I will not pursue this matter, but I will find an opportunity to clarify Chacha's identity. She is my biological daughter, and she should not bear some grievances.

After all, you owe her all these years, Yanran, can you understand me? "

Gu Yanran was stunned for a moment.

was cold all over.

Gu Yue you want to tell everyone the truth?

Will she still have a foothold in the future?

She gritted her teeth and nodded aggrieved.

Although Gu Yue was discussing with her, in fact, he was just telling her about his decision...

Gu Yanran never thought about it at all, but in the end, this calculation of hers ended up getting herself into it.

Why is this happening?

Gu Yue nodded and praised, "A good and sensible boy..."

Gu Yanran sneered in her heart.

Oh, a compliment at such a time?

is so ironic!

at the same time.

In the box, Chacha turned off his phone.

was slightly different from what she expected, and she whispered, "I thought Gu Yanran would make a big noise!"

Lu Beiting took the opportunity to answer, "She is more tolerant than you think. She is a smart person, but her methods are a bit low-level."

Such a dangerous person still exists.

He will take good care of his little roommate in the future.

(end of this chapter)