Chapter 1075: School grass he is super fierce (41)

Chapter 1075 The school drafts him super fierce (41)

In Yan Liang's view, if it weren't for the appearance of Chacha.

All things will not be like this.

Gu Yanran is also the daughter of the Gu family, the little princess who is aloof.

instead of being full of ridicule around him like he is now.


After Su Xue knew that Gu Yue had announced Chacha's identity to everyone, the whole person was stunned.

She didn't expect that Gu Yue sent himself abroad just to do this.

She called Gu Yue angrily and asked him why he did this!

"Gu Yue, do you still have this daughter Yanran in your heart? How could you do such a thing without telling me? Have you considered my feelings? Have you thought about how Yanran will face all this in the future?"

Facing Su Xue's questioning.

Gu Yue replied calmly, "Don't you want to know who framed Chacha behind your back and defined you as a junior? I sent the document to your mailbox, you can take a look at it yourself."

Su Xue, "???" Is this the same thing?


Su Xue knew that this was indeed the same thing.

It's just that she doesn't believe it.

How could Yanran do such a thing?

She is Yanran's mother.

Even if Yanran really can't get along with Chacha, it's impossible to pull her into the water and scold her mistress!

Gu Yue counted the time and dialed Su Xue's number.

"Have you read it? What are your thoughts?

Don't say I don't care about her, if I don't care about this daughter, I can't cover up the forum for her at all.

As for Cha Cha's identity, you also know in your heart that if we don't make it clear, people will always say that she is an illegitimate daughter.

Besides, now, there is a Lubeiting next to Chacha.

Let me first talk about the identity of Qingchacha, which is always stronger than Lu Beiting's actions in the future...

Su Xue, anyway, Chacha is our daughter after all, I don't ask you to treat her well, but in the future, you must never count her again..."

After Gu Yue hung up the phone, Su Xue was still in a state of confusion.

I haven't been able to regain my senses for a long time.

"..." How did things become like this?

After a long time.

Su Xue called Gu Yanran again.

However, as soon as the call was made, she hurriedly hung up.

When she thought that framing herself was a matter of Xiaosan and had something to do with Yanran, Su Xue felt like a long thorn in her heart...

She sat there groaning.

In the end, he didn't fight again.

There are some things, it is better to meet and talk about it.


Two days later.

Su Xue returned to Gu's house.

When she saw Gu Yanran's listless appearance, she suddenly couldn't say anything to blame.

Taking a closer look, Su Xue even felt that Gu Yanran had lost a lot of weight.

"Yan Ran?" she called out.

Gu Yanran's eyes instantly turned red when she heard the voice.

Mother and daughter hugged together.

Gu Yanran cried very sadly, sobbing and admitting her mistake to Su Xue.

In this case, how could Su Xue blame her?

can only say she is stupid.

When   Chacha came out of the room, he happened to see the two mother and daughter in love.

Cha Cha blinked, bypassed the two without saying a word, and walked outside, "..."

When    was about to go out, Gu Yanran suddenly stopped her, "Chacha, where are you going? Didn't you have lunch at home?"

She looked unbelievably gentle.

Cha Cha felt a layer of goose bumps on his body for some reason.

she said, "I made an appointment with Lu Beiting."

It was finally Saturday, she didn't want to see these two perform a mother-daughter drama in front of her.

It is safer to run out.

Save Gu Yanran's touch.

How happy are you eating and drinking?

You can also develop a relationship with Lu Beiting!

(end of this chapter)