Chapter 1077: School grass he is super fierce (43)

Chapter 1077 The school drafts him super fierce (43)

Chacha replied immediately: I don't think you have time to attend any banquet...

Lu Beiting: Well, what you said makes sense.

Cha Cha looked at Lu Beiting's answer with a wide-eyed smile.

It's such a treat for her.

Then, she happily sent a message to Lu Beiting.

Chacha: I think he wants to use me to curry favor with you, and then benefit from it.

When Lu Beiting saw the news, he was instantly amused. He was sure that Gu Yue would never have imagined that the poor boy would sell Gu Yue as soon as he turned around.

He smiled and coaxed her: The little roommate is so smart, what reward do you want?

Chacha: Fruit Candy!

Lu Beiting: Good.


The next day.

Gu Yue got the news that Lu Beiting had no time.

A little disappointed.

But thinking about it carefully, Lu Beiting really hasn't participated in banquets and other occasions, and it's normal that he can't be invited.

Gu Yue asked Cha Cha again if he wanted to go with him.

Cha Cha said, "Lu Beiting invited me to go shopping."

Gu Yue, "..." No time to attend the banquet, but time to go shopping?

However, thinking about it carefully, it seems to be in line with Lu Beiting's temper.

Anyway, he went with Chacha. Thinking of this, Gu Yue felt that the whole person was alive again.

"Then you two have fun!"

Make more appointments, it is best to cultivate and cultivate feelings, in case the two get together in the future, then the family will be lucky!

Gu Yue looked at Chacha's appearance. He politely wanted to ask her if she had any thoughts on Lu Beiting. Unfortunately, Su Xue interrupted her before she could say anything.

Su Xue, "Since Chacha doesn't have time, take Yanran to the banquet. You have taken her there many times before."

Gu Yue frowned, lost in thought.

used to take Gu Yanran because she was his daughter.

Now... It doesn't seem appropriate to take a foster daughter instead of a pro-daughter.

Cha Cha took advantage of Su Xue talking to Gu Yue, then turned and left.

Gu Yue was thinking, but didn't notice Chacha.

By the time he regained his senses, the man had already run away.

Gu Yue sighed and glanced at Su Xue unhappily.

Su Xue, "..."

Gu Yanran gritted her teeth.

Immediately, he showed a gentle face, "Brother Yan Liang told me that he would also go to this banquet, he just asked me if I would go... Still waiting for a reply.

If you don't think it's appropriate for me to go, I'll tell him that I don't have time. "

Seeing her cautious appearance, Gu Yue began to wonder if he had gone too far.

"Then let's go together," he said.

Yan Liang's engagement with Gu Yanran is a sure thing. There is no need to make trouble with Yanran. In the future, when she gets married to the Yan family, the cooperation between the Gu family and the Yan family will also deepen.

Gu Yanran nodded and smiled happily at Su Xue.

Su Xue was heartbroken.

When did her daughter look like this before?

Cautiously, uneasy...


After Lu Beiting had yesterday's experience.

The arrangement is extraordinarily sufficient.

Since the little girl likes to eat delicious food, then give her a lot of delicious food.

And the fruit candy she asked for!

Well, grab her stomach first!

and many more……

Why did he grab her stomach? Seems like something is wrong?

Lu Beiting stared at the pretty face for a while.

was suddenly lost in thought.

All this time, he seemed to have overlooked a problem.

It seems that from the very beginning, he has circled the little tablemate into his own territory!

protect her, pamper her...

Do not allow others to bully her.

Help her teach Gu Yanran a lesson and stand out for her.

It seems... In his subconscious, she is not just his little roommate...

Although Lu Beiting is slow to respond in this regard, he is not stupid, and at the same time, his brain quickly conveyed a word to him - love.

To be more precise: he likes his little roommate...

(end of this chapter)