Chapter 1080: School grass he is super fierce (46)

Chapter 1080 The school drafts him super fierce (46)

Yan Liang and Gu Yanran looked at each other.

"Uncle really has a way to convince my mother?"

Gu Yue nodded, "Yeah."

He didn't say it at first, mainly because he was a little unsure.

Now looking at the tea table and saying a few words can change Lu Beiting's mind, which is obviously because he likes tea very much!

Gu Yue's self-confidence is rising!

Yan Liang saw Gu Yue so confident, "Okay, I apologize, as long as I can be with Yanran, I can do anything!"

Gu Yanran stood beside him, not sure what Gu Yue was thinking.

at the same time.

Chacha's room.

Lu Beiting squinted at his little roommate.

His little roommate just leaned on his ear and said to him, "Lu Beiting, don't beat him in a hurry, I'll take advantage of this to move out of the Gu family."

Lu Beiting was stunned at the time.

Moving out of the Gu family?

Then, there was uncontrollable joy.

My little roommate wants to move out?

It's so late now that I have nowhere to go, so I can only go to his place to stay, and the little roommate is so coaxing, "!!!"

Lu Beiting only felt like he had a big luck tonight.

He doesn't want to fight Yan Liang at all now.

However, the thing that Yan Liang scolded his little roommate should not be forgotten, and remembered first in his mind.

Then settle accounts slowly.

Chacha quickly packed her things. She pulled the suitcase and looked at Lu Beiting, "I've packed it up."

Lu Beiting took the suitcase, "I'll help you."

"Well, let's go downstairs now and move out of Gu's house before they respond."

She really doesn't want to face Yan Liang's mental retardation at all, what kind of shit?

Seven Seven, 【! ! ! Chacha, don't swear. 】

Chacha, "Huh? I didn't swear! I think the word "spicy chicken" fits Yan Liang, and the word "thing" is not a curse..."

Seven-seven, […] But I still think something is weird.

Lu Beiting went downstairs with tea.

When passing the living room, Gu Yue was stunned.

"Chacha? What are you doing?" Why did you still pack your suitcase?'s not a big deal!

Chacha, "Moving out, I won't cause you any trouble."

Gu Yue was shocked.

move out?

How can we move out!

After that, won't Lu Beiting come to Gu's house again?

He hurriedly waved at Yan Liang and Gu Yanran.

Yan Liang said displeasedly, "I'm sorry."

Gu Yanran, "I'm sorry, sister."

Lu Beiting snorted coldly, "Young Master Yan and Miss Gu are sorry, we can't bear it."

Spicy chicken stuff!

The little fellow at the same table is here, so he will not do anything.

However, this does not mean that he let them go.

He raised his foot and was about to continue walking.

almost panicked Gu Yue, "Chacha, it's so late now, you don't live at home, where are you going? It's not safe outside! What's the matter, we'll talk about it tomorrow!"

Lu Beiting, "She lives at my place, nothing is unsafe."

Leaving this sentence behind, Lu Beiting took Cha Cha and left quickly no matter how shocked Gu Yue was.

Gu Yue took a long time to digest Lu Beiting's words, "!!!" Live at Lu Beiting?


This luck is also very good!

Gu Yue happily went out, and then saw Lu Beiting's car flying away.

Gu Yanran went mad with jealousy in her heart.

It is self-evident what it means to live at Lu Beiting.

Lu Beiting actually likes a country girl?

She gritted her teeth and didn't understand how things turned out like this. It seemed that every time she made calculations on Cha Cha, it was her who suffered and hurt in the end...

Obviously it shouldn’t be like this.

She had always been smooth sailing in the past, but now it's getting better and worse.

(end of this chapter)