Chapter 1083: School grass he is super fierce (49)

Chapter 1083 The school drafts him super fierce (49)

Lu Beiting's cooking skills are much better than Chacha imagined.

She happily approached him and asked softly, "What shall we eat at night?"

Lu Beiting was helpless, "You start thinking about dinner before you finish lunch?" A conscientious snacker.

Chacha snorted, "Ask in advance."

If he doesn't know what to do, she can tell him! You can also help him buy groceries! She can also do many things.

Lu Beiting put down the chopsticks in his hand, thinking about it for a moment, he said, "Well, you pay me the payment for this meal first."

Cha Cha was stunned.


She lowered her head and took out her pocket, then obediently handed Lu Beiting a card.

Lu Beiting, "..."

Am I short of money?

Chacha saw that he didn't move, and asked in a low voice, "Is it enough?" There is a lot of money in it.

The little girl looked at him innocently and blankly, and Lu Beiting quickly surrendered helplessly, "I don't want money, you can think about the reward yourself, the most important thing is your mind, understand? Tell me later at night, what do you think of."

Cha Cha nodded dully.

"Should understand... ah."

The most important thing is the mind, the mind is very important and crucial.

She was lost in thought.

Then the question is, what is she going to give to Lu Beiting?

Chacha thought very seriously.

Even in the afternoon class, she thought about it for a long time.

Unfortunately, I still didn't expect it.

During dinner, the little girl drooped her head and looked very pitiful.

Lu Beiting sighed.

raised his hand and rubbed her hair, "If you don't think about it, don't think about it, don't make trouble with yourself, it's still a long time, I'll talk about it later, eat first."

Chacha replied in a muffled voice, "Yeah."

The pretty little girl became listless.

Lu Beiting somehow felt that he was too impersonal, look at what it would be like to embarrass the little girl.

His family is pitiful.




Lu Beiting lay in the second bedroom and slept like yesterday.


The door was knocked.

Lu Beiting got up and opened the door, a little puzzled, what is the little tablemate looking for him now.

When he opened the door, he saw a soft little girl standing at the door. The pink pajamas made the little girl's skin white, cute and sweet.

What's so special...Fuck!

Lu Beiting hadn't had time to ask her what was the matter.

The little girl ran over quickly, got into Lu Beiting's quilt, and said softly, "I'll help you warm the quilt!"

In the previous plane, she also helped him warm the bed.

He was very satisfied then!

Lu Beiting stared dumbfounded at the little girl who got into his bed, feeling complicated.

Standing at the door, he took a step forward with heavy steps, and finally reached out with a dark face and rolled up the little girl with the quilt.

picked them up together, and threw them back to the master bedroom.

Lu Beiting, "!!! Don't do this kind of thing again in the future."

He turned and left, slamming the door.

Cha Cha was stunned.


Is it bad to have a warm blanket?

Doesn't he like it?

She lowered her head, suddenly at a loss.

It seems that... made Lu Beiting angry.

The little girl crawled out of the quilt aggrieved and took a look at Lu Beiting's quilt.

pouted, got out of bed and stepped on slippers, then hugged Lu Beiting's quilt, walked to his door, and muttered, "Your quilt..."

Lu Beiting, who was thinking about how to fire.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the soft little girl, his eyes were black, and he wanted to hang up and beat her.

Can't you just sleep in the master bedroom?

also blame him for talking nonsense about compensation.

Now it's better, I've pitted myself.

(end of this chapter)