Chapter 1092: School grass he is super fierce (58)

Chapter 1092 The school drafts him super fierce (58)

Yan Liang looked at Gu Yanran like this and felt a little distressed.

How could    not like her?

He just made it clear to her what was at stake.

"Yan Ran, it's not what you think."

Yan Liang's helpless explanation.

He wondered if what he had just said was too much?

That's why Gu Yanran is like this?

"Yan Ran..." He shouted again.


Next second.

Gu Yanran pushed him away like crazy, "Go away! Go away!" Isn't it just that you don't like her? It's no big deal, she can still be fine by herself!

Yan Liang opened his mouth, and he himself was a little injured.

"Then you calm down first."

He got up and left.

When he left, he glanced at Gu Yanran one more time.

She has been emotionally unstable recently, not only that, but she always loses her temper at him.


Yan Liang sighed heavily, then returned to Yan's house.

Yan's mother saw what he looked like and knew that Gu Yanran was angry with him again.

After all, it was her doted son, but she was treated like this every day by a fake daughter. Mother Yan was naturally very uncomfortable. When she thought that this person might become her daughter-in-law in the future, Mother Yan felt that the whole person was not good.

She had to train Gu Yanran well.

The Yan family should not marry an arrogant and domineering daughter-in-law!

Yan mother called the Gu family just after thinking about it.

After talking to Gu Yue to understand.

Gu Yue sent Gu Yanran to Yan's house the next day.

When Yan Liang saw Gu Yanran, he was a little surprised. He saw that her side face seemed to be swollen, as if someone had slapped her.

He was stunned for a moment, and hurried to check.

However, Gu Yanran raised her hand and pushed Yan Liang aside, staggered and almost fell.

Mother Yan was angry on the spot.

shouted to break up the engagement with Gu Yanran.

Gu Yue is so angry.

raised his hand to continue hitting Gu Yanran.

"You rebellious girl!"

"Da Da Da! You can kill me if you have the ability. Anyway, I am not your own, and you don't care. Don't you just want me to marry into the Yan family to bring you benefits?

I tell you, I'm not getting married! If the marriage contract is dissolved, the marriage contract is dissolved, and I can still live well by myself! "

Gu Yanran dropped these words and ran away without looking back.

The rest of the people in the living room looked at each other.

After Gu Yanran ran out, she rolled her eyes and called out the driver in Gu Yue's car. Before the driver could react, she got into the car, drove away, and rushed towards Gu's house.

After Gu Yue knew that Gu Yanran was driving away, he disappeared long ago.

Gu Yue, "!!!" I was so pissed!

After Gu Yanran returned to Gu's house, she knelt down to Su Xue without saying a word, "Mom, help me, Dad is going to kill me, save me, I need money, I'm going to hide elsewhere. For a while."

Su Xue couldn't see her like this, and hurried upstairs to get the money she had saved.

And Gu Yanran took advantage of these few minutes.

opened the safe in Gu Yue's study.

She moved quickly and was not noticed by Su Xue.

Su Xue cried and gave the money to Gu Yanran, "Yanran, must this be the case? If I tell your dad, I always think he won't be so cruel..."

Gu Yanran was a little impatient at the moment, for fear that Gu Yue would rush back, she pushed Su Xue away and mocked.

"He doesn't need you to think, what do you think it can do? You thought Gu Yue would always listen to you! Isn't Gu Yue in charge now?"

What nonsense are you talking to her!

She took the money, first found a place to hide, and then hired someone to kill Gu Cha, unknowingly.

At that time, the Gu family will have only one daughter like her left.

She can become what she used to be, she is still that noble little princess, who is admired by all the stars!

(end of this chapter)