Chapter 1095: School grass he is super fierce (61)

Chapter 1095 The school drafts him super fierce (61)

Xu is that Chacha's words are too harsh.

Su Xue's face turned pale.

What is worse than beasts?

She is her mother!

How can you say that!

She opened her mouth and tried to refute, but found that after meeting Cha Cha's clear eyes, she couldn't say a word.

"Did Mrs. Gu forget everything I said? Since she forgot, I will ask someone to help Mrs. Gu think about it."

A low and cold voice sounded.

Lu Beiting came from the crowd.

Full of anger.

He went straight to Cha Cha, held her wrist, and took the person into his arms.

At the same time, the other hand handed the candied haws just bought to her.

Chacha saw the candied haws, and his tight little face quickly showed a bit of joy, sweet and sour candied haws! Take a bite, full of sweetness.

Lu Beiting squinted at Su Xue.

It's just that I queued up to buy a bunch of candied haws, and then I turned around and saw someone who shouldn't be here.

Su Xue was already trembling all over.

After she saw Lu Beiting, at that moment, there was only coolness left in her heart.

"No, no... I, I just want to pick up tea and go home..."

"Gu's house is yours, not hers. What did you do yourself, don't you have a clue? Where did you get the face to run here to find her?"

Lu Beiting sneered with a sullen face. It seems that he has been too mild recently, which caused the people in the Gu family to have a wrong perception of himself.

He took Cha Cha and left, and the surrounding crowd subconsciously dispersed to make way for them.

This aura...

Too strong!

However, among those onlookers, it seems that they also faintly sensed something from Lu Beiting's few words.

It seems that there is a big gap between what Mrs. Gu said and the truth.

Otherwise, he would not dare to refute a word.

And that look on his face that made him feel guilty.

Tsk tsk…

This time, Su Xue returned without success.

But she didn't know that the real nightmare was yet to come.

There is always a price to pay for doing wrong.

Lu Beiting was relieved to see that his little cutie did not take Su Xue to heart, for fear that cutie would not be happy.

He reached out and rubbed her furry little head, "Is it delicious?"

The little girl glanced at the half bunch of candied haws in her hand, and then looked up at Lu Beiting, with candy sticking to the corner of her mouth, she said softly, "It's delicious, you can try one."

Lu Beiting's eyes lit up, and he just felt that he was flying up to the sky, how cute is he willing to eat candied haws for him? The candied fruit in his mouth, share it with him?

It's so rare!

He lowered his head and kissed the corner of her mouth.


Very sweet!

Chacha, isn't "???" eating candied haws?

Ow, this person took advantage of her again.

She glanced around quickly, and when no one noticed them, she glared at Lu Beiting.

There are so many people, and they even play stealing kisses!

Lu Beiting embraced the little girl with a smile on his face, "What would you like to eat today?"

Cha Cha blinked, took a bite of the candied haws, and said vaguely, "Well, think about it."

Lu Beiting really has nothing to say about his craftsmanship.

Cooking is super delicious!

Excellent cooking skills! Full marks!

The two walked towards the apartment.

The little girl was quietly thinking about what to have for lunch.

The moment Lu Beiting lowered his eyes, his eyes were cold.

The lesson for the Gu family this time, I hope the family can bear it, otherwise, they will not have to play in the future.

Gu Yue didn't know, because of his negligence.

caused Su Xue to run to find the stubble of Chacha.

Not only that, but it also angered Lu Beiting.

When Gu Yue found out that there was a problem with the Gu family's business cooperation, the first reaction was that Lu Beiting started again...

But he didn't provoke him at all recently.

Gu Yue was so frightened that he hurriedly asked Su Xue.

This question made me almost faint.

(end of this chapter)