Chapter 1107: Wang Ye is tender and soft (7)

Chapter 1107 The prince is tender and soft (7)


Cha Cha walked out of the box with the drizzle satisfied.

The taste of this restaurant is really good.

"Drizzle, we will continue to eat here next time."

Drizzle nodded, "It's delicious, but... Master, do we still have silver taels?"

heard Yinliang.

Cha Cha took out a few silver notes from his pocket with a smile.

"I lack everything except money!"

She is now a person with a third-level wealth card, which is converted into silver taels...

Well, there are many, many, many silver taels anyway!

Drizzle's eyes widened, it turns out that the master is so rich.

It seems that Liu Manfeng is talking nonsense again.

just didn't know how the master planned to deal with her.

The two came out of the Zuixianlou, and Cha Cha was silently making up his own abacus.

This time, she will be obedient to Liu Manfeng's packing up.

"Drizzle, let's go, let's go to the palace!"

Drizzle was stunned, are you going to the palace to find the queen's wife?


Royal Palace.

The two arrived at the Queen's palace unimpeded.

Cha Cha pondered in his heart that the original owner was so favored, but unfortunately, he played a bad hand.

The original owner was very close to the queen, and in a certain way, Chacha didn't want the queen to doubt her identity.

For unnecessary trouble.

As usual, she jumped in and ran in.

The little face was full of smiles.

However, just after a few steps, at the corner, with a plop, she bumped into someone, staggered back two steps, and nearly fell to the ground.

Cha Cha stabilized his body, and his little hand touched his forehead subconsciously.

"Ow!" It hurts!

Before she could say anything else, a slightly angry voice fell in her ear.

"Did the little prince touch the porcelain on this prince?"

Hearing the sound, she looked up.

That cold and handsome face fell into her eyes.

was slightly startled, and quickly realized that this person was Fengcheng, the prince of the current dynasty, who was the one who exchanged identities with the original owner.

Speaking of this prince...

Tsk, he and the original owner are mortal enemies.

I'm tired of seeing each other!

The prince disliked the original owner very much, and felt that the original owner was too close to the emperor and the queen.

And the prince himself is the kind of diligent and studious person, and he is even more dissatisfied with the original owner's arrogance.

In simple terms, it is equivalent to the three-good student and the bad boy who win awards every day... Of course, such a combination will not be harmonious.

Cha Cha snorted, rubbed his head over the prince, and ran to the inner hall.

Who wants to touch him!

The beauty of thinking!

The Queen    saw her running over, her eyes instantly softened a lot, but in the next second, she saw a red spot on her forehead, and hurriedly asked.

"What's the matter?" The words were full of worry.

Chacha threw herself into the Queen's arms, rubbed it against her, looking cute and cute, "It's okay, I just bumped it, it doesn't matter, I'm here this time to ask you one thing."

Queen, "..." If you have something to say, don't be cute, it's too foul!

She held her forehead and asked the maid beside her to get the medicine.

"What's making you so anxious? The imperial kitchen made some cakes, all of which you like. I'm planning to have someone deliver them to you!"

When the    queen faced the little girl, she had no resistance at all.

This child is weak, cute and well-behaved, and is very different from her son.

Alas, between sighs.

She found out that her son had come back at some point.

She looked at him suspiciously, as if to say, didn't you leave?

The prince said lightly, "Come back and have a look, so that no one will complain to the mother."

Queen, "Complain?"

The palace maid next to the Queen whispered, "The little prince bumped into His Royal Highness."

The queen glanced at the prince, "Don't worry, the little prince didn't mention you, you can go back at ease, don't get in the way of me."

(end of this chapter)