Chapter 1117: Wang Ye is delicate and soft (17)

Chapter 1117 The prince is tender and soft (17)

Cha Cha walked out of the room.

Footsteps slammed.

She turned her head darkly and returned to the room.

Something seems wrong.

"This is my room, you go!" Why is she the one who left!

was almost confused by his anger.

The prince nodded in a good mood, "Well, I'll go." If he didn't go, he suspected that someone would not be able to resist him.

He got up, his movements were elegant, but he was a little extravagant.

When passing by Chacha.

He glanced at the roast duck in her arms, bent over and whispered in her ear, "Don't eat the duck legs. If you eat too much at night, it's not easy to digest..."

The color of    揶揄 is particularly obvious.

Chacha bit his lip, and wanted to grab the person back and bite him to death!

Bad guys!

She decided to drive him out after the matter of King Gu's mansion was dealt with.

Prince returned to the room.

At the moment when I heard the wind and closed the door, I always felt that my prince seemed a little proud?


The next day.

Liu Manfeng woke up in the morning.

She found that the maid in the yard had become an unknown face.

The maids and servants of King Gu's Mansion, although she can't call out all the names, but she can be sure that the person in front of her is definitely not the maid of King Gu's Mansion.

"Who are you?" she asked.

The maid replied immediately, "Miss Liu, this servant is Chunni, the maid of King Gu's mansion. The servant was sent by the little prince to serve you."

Liu Manfeng frowned, but he didn't catch the point, "You are talking nonsense, I have never seen you in King Gu's Mansion!"

Chunni explained patiently, "Miss Liu, this slave is the Guwangfu who just entered this morning. You have never seen slaves before."

"Wait? You mean, you were sent by the little prince to serve me? What about my previous maid?" The maid stayed by her side for a long time, and it was okay to do anything.

Now a new one has appeared. Could it be that the little prince planned to let Chunni monitor her?

Chunni thought for a while and whispered, "I heard that the servant girl in the house was sold elsewhere because of her disobedience..."

This is what she happened to hear when she came over today.

The specific situation is not something that a maid like her can know.

Liu Manfeng's face changed.

All for sale?

Have all the maids in Guwangfu changed?

how can that be.

The little prince only knows how to eat, drink, and have fun, and it is impossible to replace all the people in the entire Guwangfu overnight!

She ran out in disbelief.

Along the way, the maids and servants he met were all unfamiliar faces, and at that moment, he came to a strange place in a trance.

Liu Manfeng is standing in the west courtyard.

After seeing the drizzle, he reached out and grabbed her.

"Why did the servant girl in the house sell it?" She managed to get those people to listen to her orders.

Now, is there nothing left?

Drizzle didn't answer her question, but asked another question, "Did Miss Liu make up the money in the account?"

Liu Manfeng, "... um."

Drizzle looked alienated, "Oh, then please, Miss Liu, take me to take an inventory."

Liu Manfeng was stunned, Miss Liu?

Drizzle called her Miss Liu?

Mingming called her Miss Biao before.

The title of Miss Liu is obviously a lot unfamiliar.

Oh yes, and the newly arrived maid Chunni just now, also called her Miss Liu.

Liu Manfeng gritted her teeth, her eyes were full of urgency, she didn't understand, why was it like this?

After    Drizzle counted the silver taels, he put the silver taels back into the warehouse without looking at Liu Manfeng.

It's a bad thing to say, one of your guests not only became the head of the palace, but also took the opportunity to transfer the silver taels in the account to yourself?

This is really too much!

However, the master is not easy to mess with.

The drizzle happily returned to the West Courtyard. Today’s breakfast was very rich. As for the Wind Courtyard?

Hee hee, the cook who cooks wild vegetables will serve Liu Manfeng's diet in the future.

In other words, Liu Manfeng has to eat wild vegetables three times a day.

(end of this chapter)