Chapter 1119: Wang Ye is delicate and soft (19)

Chapter 1119 The prince is tender and soft (19)

two days in a row.

Liu Manfeng's diet is all wild vegetables and vegetable soup.

She smashed a lot of things in anger.

Wild vegetables or something, I didn't eat a single bite, and I was starving for two days.

When this happened to Chacha.

She raised her eyebrows, "Oh, you're quite strong. Drizzle, go and tell the housekeeper, and let him calculate how much Miss Liu has broken in the past few days. By the way, ask Miss Liu when she will compensate according to the price."

Drizzle nodded frantically, "!!!"

"The slaves are going!"

Master is too powerful now.

Drizzle went to the housekeeper with glowing eyes. In her opinion, the master after the counterattack was awesome!

The butler nodded thoughtfully.

The meaning of the little prince, he understood.


Liu Manfeng, who thought that because she didn't eat, would make the little prince feel distressed, when he heard that the housekeeper asked her to make compensation, he really fainted.

The housekeeper had to invite a doctor.

By the way, I included the doctor's money.

After Liu Manfeng woke up, he clamored to see the old princess.

She really didn't expect that the little prince was so heartless and drove her to death.

Let her eat wild vegetables, she is not happy.

She smashed a few porcelain plates and asked her to compensate?

She is now a weak woman who has not eaten for two days!

But the housekeeper gave her a light look and was indifferent to her tossing, "The little prince said that the old princess will not be back in two months."

Liu Manfeng was stunned for a moment, and asked subconsciously, "Isn't the old princess coming back in a month? How come it's been two months again?"

The housekeeper shook his head, "The slaves don't dare to ask about the master's affairs."

Chacha, who has deep hidden merit and fame, said: In fact, she did nothing but donated some incense money to the temple, and asked the abbot of the temple to help keep the old princess for another month.

And Liu Manfeng, no matter how she cried, no one paid her any attention.

Tired of tossing and turning, I slowly became honest.

In this regard, Chacha is very satisfied.

However, counting the time, the distant cousin Chen Tang should also appear soon.

It is estimated that there will be a lot of troubles.

At that time, she will have to deal with Chen Tang and Liu Manfeng, and she may not have time to enter the palace to see the queen.

Chacha thought for a while.

decided to go to the palace.

By the way, let’s take a look at the situation of the prince now.

Fortunately, in the past few years, there are no girls around the prince, so she can rest assured.

Well, it shouldn't be abducted.

In case someone is really kidnapped, there is no other way but to leave him alone.

She can just live with snacks by herself.

77, 【? ? ? 】It's terrifying to think like know what?


Royal Palace.

Cha Cha was very happy to coax the Empress.

and His Royal Highness, the prince, was watching from the side with no expression.

I do not know how long it has been.

The Queen took advantage of Chacha's time to go to the imperial kitchen, and jokingly said, "Why are you free to sit with me today?" She is usually not so active.

And it doesn't stay that long either.

She doesn't know.

How could he be so leisurely?

was actually sitting on the side watching her chatting with Chacha without saying a word.

is really... unexpected.

The prince was serious, as if he didn't understand the meaning of the queen's words, he said, "It's right to stay by the side of the mother."

He didn't come here to see someone.

He just came to honor his mother...

The Queen    nodded meaningfully.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, "Could it be that you liked her?"

The prince, who was pretending to be indifferent to drinking tea, was choked abruptly when he heard this.

"???" Did he hear it wrong or did the mother go crazy?

(end of this chapter)