Chapter 1121: Wang Ye is delicate and soft (21)

Chapter 1121 The prince is tender and soft (21)

The queen    glanced at the prince who had been in her palace for a quiet day.

Ah! If he has no idea about Cha Cha, she will poke herself in the eyes!

He didn't say a word in the palace, and glanced at Chacha from time to time, thinking she was blind?

Except for Cha Cha, I didn’t feel it, I’m afraid even the maids in her palace can feel that Fengcheng has ulterior motives!

However, it seems that the silly son hasn't woken up yet.

What can I do if I don’t know what to do?

Of course, he helped him while watching the play.

"Cheng'er, it's getting late, you send her back."

Chacha, "!!!"

How embarrassing is this!

She blinked and looked at the expressionless prince.

I don't know what his mood is.

But his face didn't turn dark or heavy, and he should not be angry.

So, it should be possible for him to send her!

She nodded, "Then hard work, His Royal Highness."

The prince stood up, turned and stepped out of the palace.

Cha Cha hurriedly followed.

As soon as she trotted to his side, she heard a low voice beside her ear, "Although you look short legs, but you run quite fast?"

Chacha, "???" Go away!

She stared at the figure speechlessly.

Isn't    taller than her, with longer legs than her?

What's so great about it?


One day, you will cry and admit your mistake!

this time.

Prince no longer rode the carriage alone, but sat in the same carriage with Chacha.

He looked at the little boy next to him from time to time.

I knew what I said, and I got people offended again.

But it's really interesting to see how her hair is fried...

for a moment.

The prince took out a package of pastries from his arms and handed it to her, "Want to eat?" he asked.

They left the palace before they had time to eat dinner.

According to her appetite, she would definitely be hungry on the road.

Fortunately, he responded quickly and took a bag of pastries.

Chacha glanced at the pastries with a cold face.

Well, it was really fragrant, but she didn't want to eat it.

She tilted her head and snorted coldly, leaving the back of her head for the prince.

is written all over the body: I'm angry, don't disturb me!

Seeing Chacha ignoring him, he sighed deeply.

Then opened the pastry, and at that moment, the fragrance was more intense.

Chacha, "..." Hold back, I'm a man of backbone! The big deal is to go to Zuixianlou to buy more delicious meals later.

We must not be coaxed around by His Royal Highness the Prince just because of a few cakes.

The little girl is determined.

Leng didn't eat the cake handed over by the prince.

This time.

Fengcheng also realized that he seemed to be playing too big.

He took back the pastry, the emotional meaning was unclear, after a long time, he whispered, "Your legs are not short, just right..." He will not talk about her short legs in the future.

It's very troublesome to mess up.

Hearing someone's words, Cha Cha was slightly taken aback.

and many more?

His reaction was too fast, right?

How long has it been?

This is where you start to praise her legs just getting better?

She turned her head arrogantly, and looked at Fengcheng noble and glamorous, "Don't say that, His Royal Highness, I can still hear the truth and the lie, you say that my legs are just right, when you say this , have you touched your conscience?"

Prince, "???"

Am I complimenting you? You still let me touch my conscience?

So what should I say?

How come    looks like a girl's house?

However, the words have been said, and there is absolutely no reason to take them back.

He nodded decisively, "Well, I feel my conscience, your legs are really not short, they are just right."

Chacha, "..." I don't know why, but suddenly I wanted to block the prince and didn't want to chat with him.

is so annoying!

Coaxing people will not coax.

She had to coax herself.

"!!!" Can't care about the prince, he is just like this...

(end of this chapter)