Chapter 1124: Wang Ye is delicate and soft (24)

Chapter 1124 The prince is tender and soft (24)

To Shang Chacha's too clear eyes.

Prince dodged for a while, afraid to look at her.

The vase that he held tightly behind his back was also a little unstable. After a while, he took out the vase and put it in Chacha's arms, "For your sake, I'll give you a vase."

Chacha blinked, his eyes dazed, "???" What vase?

Why don't you give her pastries?

The Queen    stood on one side and stared at Fengcheng for a while with a subtle expression.

It is said that the wise son is Mo Ruomu.

She seems to have discovered something incredible!

is not quite sure yet...

does not wait for the queen to speak.

The prince said again.

"What are you still doing standing here? Go back to King Gu's mansion to prepare wild vegetables for me, and I'll go to your place later."

His voice was as low as ever.

A faint gaze fell on Cha Cha's face.

Cha Cha tilted his head to think, and nodded after a while, "Okay..."

She turned and left, brushing past the Queen.

He paused in his footsteps and said in a low voice, "Empress Empress, please ask the imperial doctor to take a look. A good person, why do you want to eat wild vegetables?" Could it be that you are hungry and stupid?

The last sentence, I didn't dare to say it.

Chacha was just about to say a few more words when she felt someone's cold gaze falling on her back, as if her whole body was cold.

She turned her head stiffly.

happened to meet someone's faint gaze.

Chacha, "!!!"

Startled, she hugged the vase and left quickly.

A pair of short legs run fast.

Queen glared at Fengcheng speechlessly, "What the **** is going on with you?"

She swung away the surrounding eunuchs and maids.

Soon, only the two of them were left.

The prince's eyes were calm, "What's going on? I'm fine."

The Queen let out a light sigh and said slowly, "I said, did something happen between you and Cha Cha that I don't know about?" The two were obviously very strange.

"No." The prince quickly retorted.

When the Queen    spoke again, her tone was somewhat mocking.

"Do you think you can deceive me? Even if you want to deceive me, please restrain your eyes!"

's eyes almost stick to Chacha's body.

Do you really think she can't see anything?

The prince's lips turned pale, and the voice of "Mother..." became a little weaker.

He was afraid.

Afraid that his secret will be discovered by his mother.

According to the mother's love for Chacha, once she finds out what he thinks, she is likely to stand on Chacha's side and condemn him.

And how can that kind of thinking be guessed!

He was a little flustered.

The Queen    took all his emotions into her eyes.

She seemed to have vaguely guessed something.

However, her silly son seems to have misunderstood?

"..." Suddenly, if she told him the truth now, would he be angry and cut off relations with her?

The Queen    quickly thought about the consequences of several possible occurrences.

Finally, with a deep sigh

"Cheng'er, my mother has something to tell you."

Seeing her solemn expression.

The prince's heart was half cold.

is over.

The    mother definitely forbids him to have any ideas about Chacha.

"Mother, I'm tired and want to rest." The prince turned around.

The profile of the face reflects the loss.

The Queen    frowned.

I always feel that if I don't speak clearly, this child will know the truth in the future, and he will definitely have to talk to her.

"Cheng'er, my mother wants to tell you..."


The crisp sound of    closing the door isolated the queen from the door.

Queen, "???"

She stared at the closed door and was stunned.

what is this?

"Cheng'er?" She called out again, but no one answered.

"..." That's all.

Since he ignored her, even if he knew the truth in the future, he couldn't blame her for not telling him earlier.

She wants to tell the truth, but her stupid son doesn't want to hear her!

(end of this chapter)