Chapter 1129: The prince is tender and soft (29)

Chapter 1129 The prince is tender and soft (29)

West courtyard.

Cha Cha chatted with Li Ma for a while.

As Drizzle said, she was afraid that she could not deal with the two of them alone.

"Ma'am, I can really deal with them. You'd better go back to your mother. I'm not at ease when you're not by her side."

Li Mammy sighed.

"The princess is worried about you, and you are also worried about the princess. The little prince has grown up."

Chacha, "Don't worry, when you come back, there will definitely be no mess in the palace. Even if I really can't deal with it, there are still the Queen and the Crown Prince!"

heard her mention the prince.

Grandma was a little surprised, "The relationship between the little prince and the prince has eased now?"

"The prince also gave the master a vase! It's very beautiful!" Drizzle answered loudly from the side, and the relationship between the two improved.

Those who didn't know thought that the prince had taken a fancy to her master!

Li Ma was very pleased.

"If you want to come to the princess, you can rest assured." With the prince here, as well as the emperor and the queen, no matter how you look at it, the little prince will not suffer.

It seems that after the Prince helped a lot last time, he really received the goods.

I have to say, the Empress is really powerful.

If it wasn't for the queen asking the prince to help solve the problem, maybe the relationship between the two would still be stiff!

"Mummy take a day off first, and then leave for the temple tomorrow." Cha Cha asked Drizzle to bring mama to rest, the journey was tiring, and mama's body would definitely not be able to bear it.

Mamma, "..." I still know that I care about her, the little prince has really grown up! intimate!

After arranging everything.

Cha Cha sat there in a daze.

So, does the prince still come to the palace to eat wild vegetables?

She tilted her head.

I don’t understand a bit, how can I get over the stalk of wild vegetables?

She instructed the kitchen to prepare an extra serving of wild vegetables.

until evening.

Prince didn't appear in Gu Wangfu either.

Drizzle looked at the master's face and always felt that the crown prince was finished.

Chacha, "Go get someone to send the wild vegetables to the palace, for the crown prince!" How dare you let her dove!

Drizzle, "...good."

Sending wild vegetables to the prince...

Alas, the master is bold, and if it were someone else, he would probably die.


Royal Palace.

The Queen laughed for a long time after hearing that King Gu's Mansion had really sent wild vegetables to the Crown Prince.

Oh, this is the consequence of her silly son not listening to her finish.

If you listen to her finish, maybe the stupid son is no longer in the palace now, but is chasing people in the Guwangfu.

Tsk, I can't blame her.

Fengcheng stared at the wild vegetables on the table with a dark face for a long, long time.

Heartless little legs!

I don’t know if I can deliver it in person!

He sighed deeply.

Forget it, get up early tomorrow and go to the Guwangfu to find fault.

I can't see her for a while, and I always feel empty inside.

Last time, the mother asked him if he was interested in the little prince.

In fact, the mother should not exclude them from being together, right?

Why don't he go to find out what's going on first?

thought so.

Fengcheng got up and went to the queen's bedroom.

Then, he was turned away by the **** beside his father.

"His Royal Highness, it's so late. Your Majesty and the Queen are resting inside. If you have anything to do, come back tomorrow." In the middle of the night, it's impossible for His Majesty to put on clothes and come out to meet the Prince!

Fengcheng left with a dark face.

Every night, the father is occupying his mother's queen.

It's been like this since he was a kid...

He once wondered if he had picked it up.

Ah! man!

later on.

Fengcheng finally understands why the father emperor occupies the mother queen every day.

Whoever dares to disturb him at night will want to kill that person directly.

Well, don't disturb idlers.

Don't disturb him at night when he is okay.

When something happens, don't disturb him at night...

(end of this chapter)