Chapter 1134: Wang Ye is delicate and soft (34)

Chapter 1134 The prince is tender and soft (34)

Cha Cha touched his chin and fell into contemplation.

Prince is really weird recently!

Because she didn't wake up, she went back to the palace again?

"When the crown prince came, did he say that he had something to do with King Gu's Mansion?"

Hearing this, Drizzle shook his head, "No..."

Chacha, "..." OK, it's probably here to find fault.

She had someone send him a bunch of wild vegetables yesterday.

The prince's temper, maybe he will hold grudges again.

Cha Cha waved his hand, "Ignore him, let's continue shopping!"

Drizzle, "..." wouldn't it be good?

She glanced at the hour. It was still early before noon, so it should be fine. Maybe, by noon, the master will return to the palace.

It turns out.

Drizzle thinks too much.

It's almost noon.

Chacha pulled her and ran into the Zuixianlou again.

Drizzle, "..." It's over, if His Royal Highness goes to the palace and doesn't find anyone, he will probably be angry!

She whispered, "Master, if the prince went to the palace and didn't see you, wouldn't it be bad?" Drizzle reminded politely.

Cha Cha thought about it seriously, "I think it's pretty good!

Last night, the prince let me dove.

If he really went to the palace today and didn't see me, it would mean that I also let him go dove once, that's only fair! "

The drizzle was a little overwhelmed.

The idea of ​​the master is really scary.

Release the prince's pigeon...

A little panic.


Zuixianlou's food is really delicious.

Since the master has made up his mind, it's useless for her to say anything. Let's be fun and eat together!

at the same time.

Valley Palace.

Fengcheng took Tingfeng to the west courtyard again.

The butler's forehead was covered in sweat.

He said that the little prince was not in the palace, but His Royal Highness didn't believe it, so he ran straight to the west courtyard. After he didn't see the little prince, he felt that the prince's whole aura became a little colder.

"Where did she go? Who did she go with?"

Fengcheng asked with a sullen face.

The housekeeper shivered, thinking that the prince's aura was really scary, he explained truthfully, "The little prince took the drizzle to Zuixianlou for dinner in the morning, and he hasn't come back yet..."

Drunken House?

Fengcheng thought for a while and glanced at Tingfeng behind him.

"Go and put things in her room, let's go to Zuixianlou."

Listen to the wind, "Yes."

Hearing the wind and bewildered, he couldn't figure out what the prince was thinking. Even if he was extremely confused, he didn't dare to ask.

As for this doubt...

started when the prince entered the little prince's room in the morning and came out again.

He felt that the prince was in a kind of... inexplicable excitement?

hurried back to the palace.

hurried to the treasury and picked out many rare treasures.

Leng spent all morning choosing.

and then install them one by one.

After    was installed, he hurriedly brought him to King Gu's Mansion.


His Royal Highness was put out by the little prince...

He thought that His Royal Highness was trying to find fault with the wild vegetables last night. Now it seems that he is trying to... please the little prince? ? ?

Ting Feng was taken aback by his own thoughts.

This is unlikely, but again... no other explanation.

He glanced at the rare treasure prepared by the prince and sighed quietly.

Then he followed the prince and left the Guwangfu.

As we approached the door.

Suddenly, a man and a woman ran over and knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Manfeng greets His Royal Highness the Prince!"

"Caomin Chen Tang greeted His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness..."


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(end of this chapter)