Chapter 1139: Wang Ye is delicate and soft (39)

Chapter 1139 The prince is tender and soft (39)

Royal Palace.

Fengcheng sat below with a calm expression.

The queen above    took a sip of tea and glanced thoughtfully across his face.

"You sent some items from the treasury to King Gu's Mansion?"

The Queen    tried to spy something from his face, but unfortunately, he was well hidden and couldn't see anything.

Fengcheng nodded, "Well, is there a problem?"

"No problem, just a little curious, don't you think she is not pleasing to the eye? Why would you send something to the King Gu Mansion?" The Queen tentatively asked.

She always knew what kind of temper Fengcheng was.

Such a fanfare move.

There must be other purposes behind   .

She squinted her eyes. Could it be the stupid son who got enlightened?

Did you see the handsome young prince?

Fengcheng raised his eyes and looked at her.

"It's a thing of the past to see her not pleasing to the eye. Empress mother, we must keep pace with the times, and we can't always keep our eyes on the past."

The Queen snorted coldly, who is he deceiving with these nonsense?

"There's no one else here, so just say it! What's on your mind?"

Fengcheng replied perfunctorily, "I don't have any thoughts."

He had already figured it out.

The    mother must know that she is a little girl.

But over the years, the mother never told him about it.

concealed something from him.

Thinking of this question, Feng Cheng wanted to ask her if he was biological...

The queen glared at him angrily.

"Can't you just talk to me?"

's perfunctory attitude seemed to be indecent.

Fengcheng's expression became a lot more solemn.

The corners of his lips twitched, but there was no smile.

"I also want to talk to my mother, but my mother, you are not honest, which makes me very unhappy."

He tilted his face, and the profile of his face was clearly a bit cold.


The Queen    was shocked, and at the same time, she felt a little guilty.

"When did you know she wasn't a man?"

She thought that according to his temperament, it would take some time before she knew that Cha Cha was a girl!

I didn’t expect it, but I knew it so quickly.

Fengcheng tilted his head, ignoring the queen.

His whole body exuded an air of unhappiness.

When the Queen    saw him like that, she got angry.

She snorted and retorted confidently.

"In those days of your autism, I wanted to tell you the truth, but if you didn't listen, I called you, but you ignored me. Can you blame me for not telling you? It's you who missed the truth! What does it have to do with me? ?"

Fengcheng's eyes narrowed, vaguely recalling what happened that day.

He thought...

Was he misunderstood?

He tilted his head and looked at the queen.

"Since that's the case, then let's not talk about that day. Let's talk about the ten years before that day. The mother hid it from me for more than ten years before she remembered and told me that she was a woman?"

Queen, "..."

The two looked at each other for a while.

The Queen    was defeated.

After all, she really hid it from him for more than ten years.

She said in a dejected voice, "Tell me, how do you need your mother to compensate you?"

Get the answer you want.

Fengcheng tried his best to keep his emotions still light.

He said, "It's very simple, no matter what I do, the mother can't interfere with my plan, and when necessary, she can help me by the way."

The Queen    raised her eyebrows and suddenly realized that she had been tricked.

"You've been plotting against me from the moment you came in?"

Fengcheng, "No, when I was in the King's Mansion, I thought about it all. It's very simple for my mother, isn't it?"

The queen wanted to hit people in a fit of rage.

You want to kidnap tea, how dare you calculate so confidently?

I really wanted to rush over and drag someone over and beat him.


Five more.

I will try my best to be more~

(end of this chapter)