Chapter 1146: Wang Ye is delicate and soft (46)

Chapter 1146 The prince is tender and soft (46)

Outside the walls of Gu Wangfu.

Fengcheng turned inside.

Ting Feng took a careful look around and was sure no one would notice, so he was relieved.

If someone sees the prince of the dynasty stealing over the wall of the King's Mansion in the middle of the night, I'm afraid it will cause a **** storm.

Fengcheng soon went to the west courtyard.

By the moonlight, the window of the tea room was opened.

He flipped in very quickly.

The steps are very light.

Fear of waking up the person in bed.

Listening to the wind, he closed the window again, and his eyes became even more confused.

There was a bad premonition in his heart.

At first, he thought that the prince was trying to please the little prince and make a good relationship.


I'm afraid that there are other plans.

He suspected that the picture of His Royal Highness was the little prince!

Ting Feng was shocked by his own thoughts.

Immediately felt unlikely.

After all, the little prince is a man, not a little girl.

However, apart from this possibility, he really couldn't understand why the master had to climb over the wall of the King's Mansion in the middle of the night and sneak into other people's rooms...

Listening to the wind is very complicated.

But now things have happened.

He couldn't drag His Highness out of the little prince's room again.

He squatted in the corner with a depressed look on his face, the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became.

Fengcheng slowed down and walked to the tea bed.

The person on the bed is already fast asleep.

By the faint moonlight.

A pretty face like jade can be vaguely seen.

Fair skin is almost radiant.

's slender fingers paused, he couldn't hold back, his fingers landed on her cheek, a warm touch came, and Feng Cheng reluctantly touched it again.

Qiqi, who just finished chasing the play, 【? ? ? 】

You are so shameless!

You beast!

How could you take advantage of my Chacha while she was sleeping?

Qiqi aggressively wanted to climb out and fight Feng Cheng.

Unfortunately, due to the pressure on Feng Cheng.

It shrank back aggrievedly.

Even if it can’t climb out, it can’t teach Fengcheng a lesson.

woo, it's so hard.

Good thing.

It can wake up Chacha from sleep…

When Cha Cha opened his eyes.

Fengcheng is touching her face seriously.

Eyes are full of nostalgia.

Chacha stared at Fengcheng dumbfounded.

Thinking that she was dreaming, she blinked, put her hand under the blanket, and pinched herself quietly, oh, it hurts a bit, not dreaming.

Then here comes the problem.

Why is Fengcheng here?

Still looking at her with this kind of nostalgic eyes?

And his restless hand.

Cha Cha tilted his head.

Round eyes stared at him blankly.

Following her slight movements, Feng Cheng's hand trembled slightly and his whole body froze.

The two looked at each other.

The restless hand quietly retracted.

Under the shallow moonlight.

Fengcheng felt extremely guilty.

He was caught.

Well, he was caught!

's thoughts were racing, obviously wondering how he should explain all this.

Or, pretend to be sleepwalking?

Sleepwalking to her room?

Cha Cha broke the silence and said softly, "Why are you here? I heard from the wind that you have been very busy recently."

She sat up from the bed as she spoke.

The distance between the two was suddenly narrowed.

Fengcheng's heart trembled.

replied subconsciously, "Well, I'm very busy, you are quiet here... I want to be here with you, rest..."

One sentence stumbled, and in the end, even Fengcheng felt embarrassed.

Chacha nodded.

did not ask much.

Instead, he hugged the quilt and rolled into the bed, and then said crisply, "Then take a rest, it's very late."

The little girl yawned as she spoke.

There is no defense at all.

It looks like he doesn't realize that Fengcheng's appearance is very problematic.

(end of this chapter)