Chapter 1165: Wang Ye is delicate and soft (65)

Chapter 1165 The prince is tender and soft (65)

Chen Tang looked confused.

I didn't expect to be bitten back at this time.

Without saying a word, he got up and kicked Liu Manfeng.

pointed at her and cursed.

"You bitch, what nonsense are you talking about? It's clearly the money you took the initiative to ask for money after knowing that I had a relationship with the gambler!

How can you pour all the dirty water on me? "

Chen Tang was furious.

Liu Manfeng was naturally not his opponent, so he took a few blows.

"Chen Tang, are you shameless? You are a man anyway, didn't you take that money?

You said that the Gu Wangfu has been looking down on you all these years, treating you as a beggar, you want to earn a lot of money, and also said that you want to step on the little prince to ascend to the throne.

Get to know more dignitaries through him!

Which of us is shameless? "

This condition is referred to as dog bites dog.

The two tore each other.

Cha Cha and Feng Cheng looked at each other.


Get up and leave.

There is no need to continue watching this scene.

The wonderful has been seen almost.

Before leaving.

Cha Cha glanced at the casino boy and reminded kindly, "Remember to ask them for your money back."

can't be cheap for the two who ripped each other.

When the drizzle left, he snorted coldly.

Dog bites dog!

Tingfeng watched the two of them tearing each other with no expression, and he would send the two to the government later.

However, this scene is really wonderful.

After this time, Gu Wangfu will be completely clean.

Cha Cha and Fengcheng did not leave the Zuixianlou, they just changed rooms.

I found a clean place, and I came here, no matter what, I had to eat a meal before leaving.

Fengcheng looked at her dotingly, his eyes full of nostalgia.

Drizzle, "..."

always feels weird.

Well, I shouldn't be here, I should be outside the door.

There is really no room for a third person between the master and His Royal Highness.

She is more suitable for lying under the table at this moment.


When   Cha Cha and Fengcheng returned to Gu Wangfu.

found that there are many guards outside the mansion.

Fengcheng paused, "It seems that the mother and the old princess are back."

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment.

The old princess is back?

Is that to mention her marriage to Fengcheng?

She blushed.

Fengcheng was so fast that she didn't even know how to explain it to the old princess.

"Don't be nervous, it's all your own, I'll go in with you." Feng Cheng hooked his lips, stretched out his hand and pulled her wrist, and walked towards the mansion.

Cha Cha glared at him, "!!!"

"What are you doing here? You should go back to the palace!"

Fengcheng raised his eyebrows, "Huh? The queen mother is here, and the old princess is here. Of course I will take this opportunity to discuss and discuss marriage with them..."

Now back to the palace? He is not stupid.

However, the little girl's shy appearance is quite cute.

The two of them just stepped in.

The maid next to the queen came over.

"His Royal Highness, the little prince, the empress and the old princess are all in the main courtyard."

Fengcheng nodded, "Yes."

The meaning of   's mother is obviously to let the two of them pass.

At that time.

The old princess and the queen are talking.

The mood is slightly complicated.

Even after two days passed, she was still a little confused.

My daughter took the crown prince silently?

always feels incredible.

And his daughter who loves to eat, drink and play is with the prince? ? ?

That scene, she still can't imagine.

Actually, she still doesn't agree with this marriage.

If you marry someone else, she can guarantee that no one can bully Cha Cha casually.

If it is the prince...

That is the future emperor.

And there will be three palaces and six courtyards, can you bear the temperament of Chacha?

She didn't want her daughter to fight for a man with other women. Those days were too hard.

(end of this chapter)