Chapter 1167: Wang Ye is delicate and soft (67)

Chapter 1167 The prince is tender and soft (67)

There is a saying that if you often walk by the river, how can you not get wet shoes.

Fengcheng sneaked into Gu Wangfu, and was bumped into several times by the old princess.

to this.

Fengcheng has a thick skin and doesn't think there is any problem at all.

The old princess looked at her daughter's reaction.

"..." That's all, she doesn't know what to do.

What can I do?

She has nothing else in her life except wishing her daughter to be happy and healthy.

In the eyes of Fengcheng.

The old princess didn't drive him out of Gu Wangfu, she just tacitly agreed that he could come to Chacha.

So, he became even more anxious.

Listen to the wind, "..."

He felt that if it continued like this, one day, the old princess would kick Her Highness out of King Gu’s mansion, which was simply too much.


It didn’t take long for the old princess to return to the Guwangfu.

I asked Drizzle to arrange it, and she went to prison.

Chen Tang and Liu Manfeng were both locked up in prison.

She pondered and went to see it herself.

If these two really knew how to write the word repentance, she would probably soften her heart and give them a chance.

However, the nature of the country is difficult to change.

Chen Tang cursed when he saw her.

accused her of disregarding her family and ruining his life!

Liu Manfeng was kneeling there begging for mercy.

But even so, the hatred in Liu Manfeng's eyes was so clear that he couldn't hide it at all.

Don't say that there is no repentance, considering the current situation of these two people, if they really get out of prison, I'm afraid they will kill Cha Cha.

The old princess was startled.

Feeling regret for my soft-hearted thoughts before.

Gu Wangfu asked itself that it was not bad for these two people, but in the end, Doumien rose to hatred.

Whether it was Chen Tang or Liu Manfeng, Gu Wangfu treated them with a clear conscience.

Since you did something wrong, you should pay the price.

The old princess turned her head and left, walking neatly.

Chen Tang was dumbfounded, and hurriedly shouted to admit his mistake, but no one paid him any attention.

Liu Manfeng looked at the disappearing figure, and she attacked Chen Tang like crazy, "It's all because of you idiot! If you hadn't scolded her and angered her away, the old princess was so soft-hearted, how could she not save her? I am going out?"

Chen Tang's eyes were scarlet, thinking that he didn't know how long he was going to be in prison, he was furious and waved Liu Manfeng away, the power gap between the two was huge.

Just because Chen Tang was distracted, Liu Manfeng had the opportunity to do something to him.

At this moment, after Chen Tang reacted, he beat Liu Manfeng violently.

"You bitch, if it wasn't for your greed for money and money, I would still be the guest of honor at the Gu Palace! You're good, at this point, are you still thinking of blaming me?"

He just let the casino boy treat him to a few meals.

If Liu Manfeng hadn't stepped in.

How did he get to this point?

He still has to take the imperial examinations, and he wants his future bright!

Now it's all ruined!

He has nothing.

Liu Manfeng was dizzy after being beaten.

She struggled a bit, but did not break free.

With a bit of rationality left in her brain, she suddenly stopped struggling and sneered.

looked at Chen Tang sarcastically.

"I'm greedy for money? Aren't you greedy for money? Oh! You're just a piece of shit, idiot! Who can't see what you're thinking?

Don't even look at what you are, and still want to replace the little prince and become the master of the Valley Prince's Mansion? What a dream! "

Chen Tang, who was provoked, also began to grit his teeth to stimulate Liu Manfeng, "What right do you have to say about me? Are you still delusional about hooking up with the little prince and the prince? Shameless sluts, none of them look down on you. …”


The two tortured each other in the cell.

No one will let anyone go.

Later, someone sighed: Who listened and didn't say a word that they were a perfect match?

(end of this chapter)