Chapter 1173: I became the gold master of my little brother (5)

Chapter 1173 I became the gold master of my little brother (5)

The two went back to the dormitory, and after Chacha washed up, they crawled onto the bed to rest.

Fu Qiangwei opened her mouth, always feeling that something was wrong, but she didn't know what was wrong.

Chacha noticed that the phone vibrated.

She took a look and found that it was Chu Heng who sent her a message.

Chu Heng: Didn't you ask me to give him some resources? Are you having trouble with that friend of yours?

When Chu Cha talked to Chu Heng, he also talked about the relationship between Qu Chenzhou and Fu Qiangwei. Chu Heng loved his sister and agreed.

It's just a few resources, it's not difficult for him.

However, it didn't take long for him to suddenly receive the news that he didn't need to treat Qu Chenzhou any favors, and Chu Heng subconsciously thought that Cha Cha and Fu Qiangwei were in trouble.

Cha Cha held the phone and thought for a while, and replied seriously: I just don’t think it’s necessary to waste good resources on him, it’s unfair to others.

Chu Heng laughed, although he didn't know what happened, but his sister said so, he naturally agreed unconditionally.

Chu Heng: Well, listen to you, it just so happens that the director of that drama is not very satisfied with Qu Chenzhou. Since you said that, then I don't need to spend money to let him join the crew.

Chacha sighed when he saw this sentence.

Fortunately, she said it early.

Otherwise, wouldn't he have to spend a sum of money on Qu Chenzhou?

Bah, he doesn't deserve it!


She remembered something and flipped through the news.

The message Qu Chenzhou sent her was lying there quietly, and the original owner did not reply to him.

At this time, Qu Chenzhou was already trying to flirt with the original owner, Cha Cha frowned and deleted Qu Chenzhou, in one go!


Don't even look at what you are.

Have a girlfriend and dare to flirt with her!


Chacha sent another message to Chu Heng.

Chacha: Brother, didn't you say you bought me an apartment near the school last time? Where's the key! I plan to move in in the next few days.

Chu Heng: Come to my company tomorrow to get the key.

Chacha: What!

Chu Heng: ...Speak well, don't act cute.

Chacha: \\(////)\\Who is Meng? Why sell it!

Chu Heng was teased and laughed, it seems that his sister really broke up with that so-called good friend.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to move out of the dormitory after finishing the matter with Qu Chenzhou.

Chacha put away your phone.

Cover the quilt and close your eyes to sleep in a good mood.

In order to integrate into the group, the original owner rejected the apartment that Chu Heng gave and did not move in.

And now, um, why did she give up the spacious apartment and meet Fu Qiangwei every day?


The next day.

No class in the morning.

After Chacha got up, while Fu Qiangwei was in the bathroom, she put away all the valuables on the table and put them in her space, opened the cabinet and glanced at her, and she also kept the clothes in the space.

Then, lock the cabinet again.

Qiqi, […] I feel like the space for Chacha is much bigger.

In the past, I could only hide a snack.

Now, clothes and anything can be put in directly.

For this question, Cha Cha did not answer Qi Qi, pretending to know nothing.

When Fu Qiangwei came out of the bathroom, she saw that a lot of things were missing on Chacha's table, and was slightly startled.

"Chacha, what are you doing?"

Cha Cha calmly said, "Oh, lock up your valuables."

Fu Qiangwei, "Why lock it up?"

Cha Cha, "...why can't it be locked?"

Fu Qiangwei, "..." She was speechless?

Cha Cha turned around and went to the bathroom.

After washing up, we went straight out of the dormitory.

Fu Qiangwei was uneasy, and hurriedly ran out to stop her.

(end of this chapter)