Chapter 1180: I became the gold master of my little brother (12)

Chapter 1180 I became my little brother's gold master (12)

Fu Qiangwei stood where she was, at a loss.

A bad premonition suddenly rose in my heart.

And this feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

Chu Cha's attitude is clearly different from before.

She lowered her eyes and quickly thought about when Chu Cha's attitude began to change.

eyes lit up suddenly.


was yesterday!

She pondered to herself, could it be that the money for the meal yesterday made Chu Cha unhappy?

But you paid half of it yourself, what else do you want?

If it was really because of this, it would be too stingy!

Fu Qiangwei muttered.

thought of Qu Chenzhou's previous phone call.

Since this is the case, then find an opportunity to invite Chu Cha to have a meal, and reluctantly even if she apologizes to Chu Cha, this is considered sincerity.

By the way, let Qu Chenzhou have a good relationship with Chu Cha.

Fu Qiangwei felt happy for her thoughts.

She felt that she was really too smart.

During class, Fu Qiangwei didn't go to Chacha's side immediately, but kept a proper distance.

Except for her anyway.

Chu Cha has no other friends.

Soon Chu Cha will know that she is her best friend.

After the afternoon class.

The students left the classroom one after another.

Several girls were keenly aware of the delicate relationship between Fu Qiangwei and Cha Cha.

They looked at each other and left in no hurry, as if planning to see if there were melons to eat.


Although   Chacha's movements were slow, he had no intention of talking to Fu Qiangwei at all. He packed up his books and left.

Fu Qiangwei's eyes darkened when she saw this situation.

glanced at the girls who were going to watch the play.

hurriedly followed behind Cha Cha.

wanted to give those people an illusion that their relationship was still the same as before.


Girls have always been more sensitive.

Several girls looked at each other and smiled in unison.

Tsk, there is a conflict between Fu Qiangwei and Chu Cha.

This has never happened before!

The few of them seemed to smell a huge gossip, eager to find out what happened...


Fu Qiangwei has been following behind Cha Cha.

After walking for a while, I found that Cha Cha was not going back to the dormitory.

She was slightly startled and wanted to ask where Chacha was going.

But before the words came out, Cha Cha had already picked up the pace.

Fu Qiangwei was stunned, "???" I haven't asked yet, why are you walking so fast?

She stomped her feet, there was nothing she could do.

had to go back to the dormitory by himself.

Guess that, after a while, Chacha will be back.

When passing by the cafeteria, Fu Qiangwei thought for a while, but did not go in.

If Cha Cha is going out for dinner.

Then she was waiting for tea in the dormitory by herself, just enough to sell badly.

said that he wanted to wait for her to come back and then go out to eat together. As a result, he ate the tea first by himself, but he was always hungry...

She hooked her lips and went straight back to the dormitory.

In the dormitory, originally three people lived, she and Chacha had another girl.

But another girl later changed departments and felt inconvenient, so she applied to go to another dormitory, only Fu Qiangwei and Chu Cha in this dormitory.

Now Chacha is not in the dormitory, so naturally she is the only one in the dormitory.

Fu Qiangwei glanced at the things on the tea table, and found that there were only some books and the like left on it, and there were no skin care products and cosmetics on it.

she sighed.

His eyes fell on the locked cabinet.

However, only for a moment.

She withdrew her gaze.

She raised her hand and took off the diamond and pearl hairpin from her hair, her eyes complicated.

The    hairpin was given to her by Chu Cha.

In addition to liking, she is more envious and jealous.

Obviously living in the same dormitory, but the gap is so big, Chu Cha can buy a lot of things she never dared to hope for, how can she not be envious?

(end of this chapter)