Chapter 1184: I became the gold master of my little brother (16)

Chapter 1184 I became my little brother's gold master (16)

See Nan Yi doesn't quite believe it.

Chacha also specifically talked about the next plan.

"But I haven't finished my studies, so besides me, you will have another agent in charge."

To put it simply, she only needs to invest resources for Nan Yi. Most of the things that the agent has to deal with need another person to deal with.

But these words, she can't say too clearly.

What if Nan Yi doesn't like her throwing resources at him?

She had to secretly arrange it.

Nan Yi's eyes were less suspicious, but more sarcastic.

Nan Yi, "Let's be honest, what benefits do you want from me? Or, what do you want me to do? Or what does President Chu want me to do?"

He doesn't think that there will be good things that fall from the sky. Basically, everything that falls from the sky is a trap.

'You can make him popular', this is not the first time he has heard it, but it is the first time he has said it from such a young girl.

What's more, in this circle, if you want to get something, you have to pay the corresponding price. He has no money and no connections, and he doesn't think anyone is willing to praise him for no reason...

could only be trying to get something out of him.

Cha Cha was silent for a while.

She realizes Nan Yi's rejection of her.

And the reason for that rejection, she can also guess.


She answered seriously, "You think too much, I won't unspoken rules for you, I'm still young..."

The fair face was dyed red.

When I say this, I always feel a little embarrassed.

dropped this sentence and whispered again, "It's impossible for Chu Heng to like you..."

Nan Yi raised her eyebrows and looked at her coldly.

Did he guess wrong?

He leaned forward suddenly, closing the distance between the two of them.

"Then what is your relationship with Chu Heng?"

As he approached, Cha Cha subconsciously wanted to move back.

Is the distance between the two of them too close?

Under Nan Yi's gaze, she said softly, "My brother."

"Oh." Nan Yi nodded.

His deep eyes flashed a dark color.

So they are siblings?

"Then why are you holding me, you have to give me a reason?"

Nan Yi asked casually.

support him?

What the little girl said was simple.

Some things are hard to do.

Unless Chu Heng allowed her to throw resources at him, but, he was just a newcomer.

Chu Heng is Xingchen's boss after all, and he always has to think about the whole, so to him, the little girl's words are like empty words.

However, for the sake of her cuteness, he would say a few more words to her.

The little girl quickly told him the reason.

Cha Cha, "Because I saw you in the elevator for the first time, I thought you could make a big fire, don't worry, it's a three-month period, if after three months, you don't have any splashes in the entertainment industry, I will compensate you All losses that have been delayed for three months."

The black and white eyes are full of seriousness and sincerity.

From Cha Cha's point of view, she should be considered very sincere.

She believed that Nan Yi would definitely agree to... right?

Suddenly uncertain.

If she still doesn't agree, then...she will think of another way?

Nan Yi pondered over the words of all the loss, a dark light flashed in the bottom of his eyes, and the profile of his side face was cold and hard.

He said, "Okay, three months, I will do whatever you ask me to do."

For him, there is no harm.

On the contrary, there is one more chance to fire.

And in his opinion, it was clear that he took advantage of her.

There are probably many people who want such an opportunity, right?

Not only that.

The little girl wants to compensate him for the loss?

Nan Yi sighed slightly.

The coldness in   's eyes, which he didn't even notice himself, had already diminished a bit.

(end of this chapter)