Chapter 1188: I became the gold master of my little brother (20)

Chapter 1188 I became my little brother's gold master (20)

Nan Yi casually glanced at Qu Chenzhou, her voice slightly sarcastic.

"What does my business have to do with you?"

Besides, they are not familiar with each other.

Qu Chenzhou simply ran over and felt uncomfortable.

Nan Yi's sarcasm directly made Qu Chenzhou even more angry.

"Nan Yi! I'm doing this for your own good, don't bite Lu Dongbin, you don't know good people."

Qu Chenzhou seems to be sure that he can bully Nan Yi at will, no matter the attitude on his face or the words he says, it is particularly disgusting.

heard the words.

Nan Yi, who didn't intend to talk nonsense with him, his face darkened, and his icy gaze fell on Qu Chenzhou, "Then do you know there is another saying: A good dog will not stand in the way?"


Qu Chenzhou was stunned.

I didn't expect Nan Yi to dare to fight him like this.

He raised his hand and pointed at Nan Yi, "Do you know what you're talking about? Have you recognized your identity? As long as I say a few words to my manager now, you may never be a big hit again in the future. Here's your chance!"

Unfortunately, Nan Yi never put Qu Chenzhou in the opponent's position.

The coldness and contempt in   's eyes seemed to be slapped **** Qu Chenzhou's face.

That moment.

Qu Chenzhou was stunned.

After cursing a few words, he turned around and walked out of the bathroom!

Nan Yi's eyes were cold, and she simply tidied up her clothes in front of the mirror. After confirming that there was no problem with her image, she left the bathroom.

And Qu Chenzhou, who stepped out of the bathroom first, said as he walked.

"Nan Yi, you will regret it one day! One day, I will trample you under my feet!"

At this time, I ran over to find Nan Yi's Cha Cha, and just heard this sentence, "..."

Can you say that again?

Believe it or not, I'll knock your head off for you!

Qu Chenzhou was in the opposite direction from Chacha, so naturally he didn't see Chacha.

He didn't even know that this sentence completely offended Cha Cha.

Cha Cha squinted her eyes, she had to ask Nan Yi for someone who dared to bully her, and this was only what she saw. Maybe when she couldn't see it, Qu Chenzhou did other excessive things. thing.

When Nan Yi came out, he saw Cha Cha standing there.

The little girl looks angry?

Who provokes her?

He said, "What's the matter with you?"

Hearing his question, Cha Cha shook his head, "It's okay, I'm just afraid you can't find me, so come and have a look."

Nan Yi nodded, "Then let's go together now?"

The little girl looked really nervous about him, so that her voice was a little softer and less cold.

"Okay." Cha Cha took him to find Chu Heng.

It is estimated that Chu Heng is still depressed.

Accidentally, she found out that he was hiding from her and dating other young ladies.

Well, I don't know what this young lady looks like, when can I see you...

When the two returned to Chu Heng's table.

Nan Yi somehow felt that the atmosphere between them was a little strange.

It's just like……

What did these two say while he was away...

However, it has nothing to do with him.

His future task is to cooperate with her and complete the work.


After the meal appointment is over.

The three separated at the entrance of the restaurant.

Chu Heng is going back to the company to continue working.

Nan Yi also wants to go back to her place.

chacha, “…”

Since this is the case, then I will also deal with other things.

"Nan Yi, see you tomorrow!" She waved at him softly.

Nan Yi glanced sideways, "Well, see you tomorrow."

The little girl is very soft, and she is not the same as other people.

Her appearance seems to add a little color to his peaceful and turbulent life.

(end of this chapter)