Chapter 1190: I became the gold master of my little brother (22)

Chapter 1190 I became my little brother's gold master (22)

As for why the company executives are optimistic about him.

In this regard, Qu Chenzhou is still a little concerned.

Before the last time I saw Chu Cha.

The company ignored him.

It was after meeting Chu Cha that he started a variety show.

So, he is very aware of who gave what he got now!

This is why he must try his best to please Chu Cha.

In one sentence, he can get what he can't even dream of!

Qu Chenzhou's eyes lit up.

Fu Qiangwei gritted her teeth, although she was angry, she had to endure it.

Being able to fool Chu Cha for so long, she also has a brain.

Know what to do and what not to do.

Qu Chenzhou's career is on the rise.

She had to understand him.

Thinking about it carefully, it is just to please Chu tea, it is nothing.

"Chenzhou, I understand you..." Fu Qiangwei sighed with a generous look on her face.

Qu Chenzhou also looked sincere, "Rose, don't worry, I will work hard to make money, so that our future life will be better."

The relationship between the two seems to be really impeccable.

But exactly what the two of them thought, no one knows.

When Chacha comes in according to the address.

saw Fu Qiangwei and Qu Chenzhou sitting there waiting for her.

Cha Cha raised his eyebrows.

Are you planning to treat her like a fool again?

Fu Qiangwei was the first to speak.

"Chacha, Chenzhou and I ordered a few dishes according to your preferences, let them prepare first, take a look, do you still like it?"

Her voice is very gentle, and it sounds like she really has no problem at all.

Cha Cha looked at Fu Qiangwei innocently.

"Forget it, I came out in a hurry, I forgot to bring my card, and I didn't have much money in my phone... If it's not enough for our AA system, it's not very good."

Fu Qiangwei's gentle face instantly became embarrassed.

"..." AA system?

Is it really because of this thing that you are angry?

Fu Qiangwei's eyes flashed with resentment.

Are you still so preoccupied with the matter of several thousand dollars?

really upset her.

Out of the corner of the eye, she caught a glimpse of Qu Chenzhou, and then she calmed down.

was about to speak, but Qu Chenzhou took the lead.

Qu Chenzhou, "This time it's my treat, of course I'll pay."

He secretly glared at Fu Qiangwei.

Usually, Chu Cha gave her a lot of things, and it was tens of thousands of things that she picked up casually. She was fine, but because of a few thousand dollars, she was in trouble with Chu Cha?

is not stupid!

"Cha Cha, you and Qiangwei are good friends. If there is any misunderstanding, let's take this opportunity to talk about it. You know, she is slow to respond, not very good at talking, and sometimes makes mistakes, so don't talk to her. She's angry..."

Qu Chenzhou felt that his attitude was really humble.

However, if you are humble enough, you can get what you want, and you can make a lot of money.

After all, there are still many people who still can't find the opportunity to hug their thighs!

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at Qu Chenzhou.

"I'm not angry with her, you're wrong."


Does Fu Qiangwei match her?

Not everyone can ignite her anger!

Of course, Qu Chenzhou counts as one.

actually dared to bully Nan Yi.

This account is recorded.

will soon be back with revenge.

She has never understood what it means to swallow her voice.

Hearing that she was not angry, both Fu Qiangwei and Qu Chenzhou were relieved.

Qu Chenzhou, "It's great that you're not angry, Qiangwei has been blaming herself for the past few days, worried about you, and cared about you very much."

Fu Qiangwei looked at Qu Chenzhou, who was the first to speak again, with a very complicated mood.

Are you so eager to perform in front of Chu Cha?

(end of this chapter)