Chapter 1197: I became the gold master of my little brother (29)

Chapter 1197 I became my little brother's gold master (29)

Chacha thought about it for a while, especially the momentum of the gold master.

waved his little hand and said solemnly, "It doesn't matter, ask him how much he wants, we will throw the money directly!"

Brother Qian, "???"

This trend doesn’t seem right?

He vaguely remembered this variety show, and Miss Chu also invested in it.

So here comes the question, does Miss Chu know that Miss Chu is so domineering in throwing money?

After thinking about it, he still called Chu Heng to ask.

Chu Heng didn't have much reaction to the fact that Chacha was going to spend money to promote it.

"It's okay, just listen to her. If you don't have enough money, call me again."

Isn't he working hard to earn money for his sister?

He doesn't ask too much, as long as she is happy.

Such a big company, coupled with the company owned by his own father, is always enough for a little girl to spend most of her life.

After the phone hangs up.

Brother Qian fell into deep self-doubt.

Mr. Chu is too petite, right?

However, after all, I still have to say that Nan Yi is lucky.

Since Miss Chu spoke like this, he did as she was told, contacted a certain video platform, and then talked about it. Naturally, he was rejected mercilessly at first.

Then, Brother Qian said: We can throw money.

Video platform, "..." People are stupid and have more money...


This time the promotion is done.

When Brother Qian told Chacha the good news, Chacha gave Brother Qian a look of contempt.

"You go away, I'll talk!"

It’s good to throw money, but is it called throwing money?

Since it’s publicity, it’s time to hype it up!

Being hand-in-hand, this will not work.

Chacha backhanded an additional 5 million in funds, and the words "rich and powerful" were written directly on his face.

Brother Qian, "..." Ancestor, Nan Yi is not yet popular, you just throw money like this, if you can't make it back in the future, the money will go to waste!

But even if he said it, she would not listen.

As for President Chu, he also has a doting attitude. What can he do as an agent?

Since this money is spent, it must be maximized.

Get corresponding publicity for this variety show.

The    video platform was also stunned for the additional funds from Brother Qian.

Never thought that the big guy behind him was so rich.


That night.

Nanyi's variety show has received the best publicity directly.

As soon as the    video app is opened, it is the promotional page of this variety show. Of course, Nan Yi's face is also particularly conspicuous.

After clicking   , you can see the promotion about this variety show on the homepage banner, as well as the featured page and various pages.

Many users were stunned.

Such a big propaganda effort is quite rare.

Many people clicked in and took a look, only to find out, Huh? It's just a little-known show, and the guests in it are not very popular niche students.

But Nan Yi's face is very seductive.

Click in and you can't get out.

The effect of the video platform's promotion is very good. In this variety show, Nan Yi not only has a good temperament and looks handsome, but also has a lot of talents. He can be called an all-around little brother.

Many users who clicked in immediately became fans of this little brother.

Not only that, but Amway also gave it to his little sister.

Around ten o'clock in the evening.

This variety show is on the hot search.

Click into the hot search, many of them are screenshots of Nan Yi, and various compliments.

For a while, Nan Yi's Weibo flooded with a large number of fans.

Always pay attention to the online news, Brother Qian, "???"

Wait, is Miss Chu spending money on hot searches and zombie fans?

He sighed and asked Chacha.

Brother Qian was despised again.

Chacha, "My little brother has excellent business skills and looks good. I'm only responsible for publicity. I won't buy zombie fans and hot searches! Those are all live fans, understand?"

Brother Qian, "..." is humble online!

(end of this chapter)