Chapter 1206: I became the gold master of my little brother (38)

Chapter 1206 I became my little brother's gold master (38)

Cha Cha saw Nan Yi standing there like a petrochemical, and also felt that his words might be too straightforward and sudden.

She took a step back and said softly, "You go to rest first, and see if there is anything you are not satisfied with in the apartment, I, I will go to review your homework."

After saying this, she hurriedly closed the door.

After closing the door.

Cha Cha was lost in thought.

"Qiqi, although he didn't agree, he didn't reject me, that is, he acquiesced that I could continue chasing him." Well, that's it.

Qiqi was silent, […]

was very dissatisfied.

Dog man!

Why let my family Chacha chase him!

To chase him is to give him face!

How dare you disagree!



When Chacha goes to class again.

Fu Qiangwei approached her, "Chacha, I've prepared everything you said. I can deliver it to you when it's convenient for you..."

Cha Cha gave her a casual look, "Oh, I'll have someone pick it up."

Fu Qiangwei looked a little embarrassed.

Has she worked so hard for a casual remark?

Fu Qiangwei asked again without giving up.

"Chacha, will you forgive me?"

She has now entered Feixing, although the process is a bit tortuous, but fortunately the result is good.

And it also means that she will become a star in the future.

Then these things today may be black history in her eyes in the future.

The reason why she returned things to Cha Cha so readily was also for future plans. In case someone picked it up, she could also have a reason to say that she was innocent and returned everything to Chu Cha.

She really didn't become good friends with Chu Cha for money...

Chacha was too lazy to say more, and directly gave Fu Qiangwei two words, "No."

Simple and neat.

Fu Qiangwei lowered her head and turned around with red eyes.

So far, the two have completely torn their faces.

parted ways.

The only thing that surprised Cha Cha was that Fu Qiangwei would give her things back.

However, think about it carefully, since Fu Qiangwei does this, there will definitely be greater benefits.

After class time.

Suddenly, a few boys approached Chacha nervously.

One of the boys was pushed and took a step forward.

looked at Cha Cha with a blushing face.

Cha Cha also tilted his head to look at him, "Is something wrong?"

The boy seemed very embarrassed and hesitantly opened his mouth.

"You, you said on Weibo that you are chasing a boy, is that true?"

The voice fell.

Chacha has received the attention of many people.

Almost the entire classroom looked at them in unison.

Cha Cha nodded and answered seriously, "It's true."

The boy was a little disappointed.

gathered up his courage and asked, "Then can I chase you?"

Cha Cha looked at the boy with red earlobes and refused a little embarrassedly.

"I think you are a good person, you fit better!"

The boy who was issued a good person card, "..."

Ok, I get it.

The boy left sadly.

The few people who were with the boy also dispersed.

The classroom was silent.

Little cutie refuses people, so simply!

Honestly, they were very curious, who the little cutie is going to chase after!

Which dog man is he who can be so cruel to let Little Cutie chase after him for so long.

Fu Qiangwei narrowed her eyes.

took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Qu Chenzhou: Chu Cha is chasing a man.


Qu Chenzhou replied in seconds: Who is she chasing?

Fu Qiangwei, "..." Hehe, he didn't answer her calls, and he didn't reply to her messages. It's better now, he's quite anxious about Chu Cha.

Do you really think she is a fool?

Those rhetoric can't deceive her now.

(end of this chapter)