Chapter 1217: I became the gold master of my little brother (49)

Chapter 1217 I became my little brother's gold master (49)

Until the phone rang, breaking the atmosphere between the two.

Nan Yi then let go.

He glanced at the caller ID, it was Brother Qian who called.

Just pressed answer.

The little girl blushed and ran away while he was not paying attention.

Nan Yi smiled helplessly.


Want to pet.

Brother Qian briefly explained the program flow of the last episode of this season.

This time, a fan interaction session will be added.

Each guest will select three fans.

Each fan can ask the guest a question, that is to say, Nan Yi has to answer the questions of three fans respectively.

In order to increase the fun, the fans' problems are all freely played by the fans, and there is no script character.

Therefore, Nan Yi should answer these three questions carefully. If he encounters tricky and strange questions that are inconvenient to answer, he can of course refuse to answer them, but there will be a punishment part, which is also considered as room for the guests of the show...

Hanging up the phone, Nan Yi played with the phone, pondering whether he should surprise the little girl.


The day of the variety show.

Because it is the last program.

The barrage is full of fans madly asking for the next season.

Nanyi's popularity has always been high.

Even with other guests, he gained a lot of popularity.

Yes, both the show crew and the guests are very polite to Nan Yi.

Although the younger brother is a little colder, he is still a good person, and they are almost used to it.

When this episode of the show is in the fan interaction session, fans are guarding their mobile phones or computers, excitedly waiting for themselves to be lucky users.

Because it is a live show, there is no live audience.

will be randomly selected by the guests from the users watching the live broadcast. After pressing the draw button, no one will know who will be drawn.

Nanyi, as the most popular guest, is naturally the finale, the last one to draw three fans.

For the first few guests, although the question of fans is sharp, it is still acceptable, and it will not be tricky.

When it was Nan Yi's turn.

He calmly pressed the extract button.

host, "Our little brother Nan Yi has already pressed the draw button, so the three lucky viewers who have been selected have three minutes to post their questions!"

Qu Chenzhou stared blankly at his phone.

The mood is very complicated.

Is this called Enemy Road Narrow?

He turned out to be Nan Yi's lucky audience?

Ah! It's hilarious!

He just came to see how popular this variety show is.

There is still such an unexpected joy.

Since God gave him this opportunity.

Then he naturally has to make good use of it!

Otherwise, I would be so sorry for this opportunity.

He wants to reveal Nan Yi's true face in this episode!

The first fan's question is simple: when does the little brother plan to fall in love.

This is also a question that many fans are concerned about.

Logically, this question will give a very satisfactory answer.

However, Nan Yi looked at the question for a few seconds.

replied with a serious and serious expression.

"In love."

The cool voice is the same as always.

But these four words set off a violent storm!

The fans were stunned, "???" Brother, we didn't hear it clearly, can you say it again?

The host and the rest of the guests were also confused, "???"

What are you talking about, you know?

This is a live show!

The screen is full of your fans, if you answer like this, they will lose their fans!

The host was stunned, not knowing how to smooth things out.

This is so special, what can he say?


(end of this chapter)