Chapter 1219: I became the gold master of my little brother (51)

Chapter 1219 I became my little brother's gold master (51)

Brother Qian looked at Nan Yi with a complicated mood.

After hesitating for a long time, he didn't ask that question.

Nan Yi, seeing his embarrassed look, said, "Just as you think, I'm in love, I won't break up, and I'll get married in the future."

Brother Qian, "..." I'm sorry, I want to be quiet.

Soon, he asked.

"Does President Chu know that you kidnapped his sister?"

Nanyi nodded, "I know."

Brother Qian, "..."

Okay, since President Chu already knows, he has nothing to say.

As for the next thing, the company's public relations department should be able to solve it.

Thinking like this, Brother Qian still took out his mobile phone and looked at Weibo. He found that many fans were clamoring to get rid of fans, which is really serious.

However, it is impossible for Nan Yi to break up now.

He sighed slightly.

I hope the follow-up will not be too miserable.

I have been watching the live broadcast of Chacha, and I am also a little stunned.

Just announced the romance?

She wasn't even prepared at all.

Qiqi sighed, [...You don't need to prepare, he didn't say he was in love with you. 】

Chacha, "It seems like this, but will it have a lot of bad influence on him? I think many fans have lost their fans."

I feel sorry for my little brother.

And the thought of him saying that was for her made her even more embarrassed.

Instead, he felt more and more distressed for Nan Yi.

If it weren't for this time, the romance would explode.

Nan Yi's popularity will definitely be even higher.

And Nan Yi's answer in the show quickly became a hot search.

#Nanyi's self-exploding romance#

#Nanyi fans take off the powder#

#South Memory Gold Master#

There are fans who are angry and turned into black fans, fans who turn around and leave, and fans who stay and support.

But the group of fans who stayed was ultimately weak.

Their explanations were quickly overwhelmed.

Not only that, but some people have been chasing after him to ask, does Nan Yi really have a gold owner, and is his girlfriend just a pretense?

There are all kinds of guesses.

Xingchen Company quickly clarified for Nan Yi.

Love is free.

But the matter of the sponsor is pure slander.

But even so, most of the fans that Nan Yi attracted through variety shows have lost most of them.

The stickiness of fans is not high.

He only has this variety show and has no other representative works.

Brother Qian was afraid that Nan Yi couldn't think about it, so he gently persuaded him a few words.

After all, young people have never been hit, and if they are stimulated, it will be bad.

Nan Yi, "I'm fine. When I say that, I know what the consequences will be."

Everyone is responsible for their own words and deeds.

Also consider the consequences of your own words and deeds.

And for him, this will only make him work harder.

does not allow him to be hit.

Brother Qian was relieved to see that his expression did not change.

Young people, it’s good to be a little frustrated.

Qu Chenzhou looked at the comments on Weibo with satisfaction.

Excited and happy at the same time.

Nanyi killed himself, no wonder he.

He did nothing.

Even the gold master he asked didn't have much impact.

But the love affair made most of the fans take off.

This reminded him of his affair with Fu Qiangwei.

Fortunately, he broke up with Fu Qiangwei early, otherwise, if it broke out one day in the future, he would be finished.

This blow is simply too hard!

The phone rang suddenly.

Qu Chenzhou took a look and found that it was a message sent by Xu You.

Ask him to meet somewhere.

Qu Chenzhou smiled and was in a good mood.

Since breaking up with Fu Qiangwei, his luck has improved a lot.

Xu You was very satisfied with him.

He was also happy to coax Xu You.

Xu You is beautiful and has many tricks. No matter how you look at it, he will not suffer.

And Xu You will also give him resources.

(end of this chapter)