Chapter 1234: I became the gold master of my little brother (66)

Chapter 1234 I became my little brother's gold master (66)

Qu Chenzhou was a little displeased by Xu You's scolding.

But considering that Xu You is still his own financial master, he had to defend, "You misunderstood, this matter has nothing to do with me..."

What they did was quite covert. If there was no evidence, neither he nor Fu Qiangwei would admit it.

Xu You heard Qu Chenzhou's words, sneered repeatedly, scolded an idiot, and hung up the phone directly.

Block Qu Chenzhou's number.

Really thought that Chu Heng couldn't find out what he did?


She is also blind, she thought that Qu Chenzhou could keep his own feet and be obedient, but he didn't expect that he was also a disobedient person. Since that was the case, she didn't need to protect Qu Chenzhou anymore.

The next one is better.

Xu You gave up Qu Chenzhou directly.

By the way, he took the initiative to tell Chu Heng about the situation. It was okay to admit his mistake, and Chu Heng didn't hold on to this matter.

After all, there is an injustice and a debt, and this matter still has to be counted on Qu Chenzhou and Fu Qiangwei.

Qu Chenzhou didn't look very good after seeing Fu Qiangwei's phone call, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

"Rose? Don't scare me."

Xu You hung up his phone.

He has been blocked when he dialed again.

is obviously saying goodbye to him.

If there is no good news from Fu Qiangwei's side, wouldn't he be in a cold mood?

Fu Qiangwei gave a difficult smile.

"This is not easy, but there is still a turning point.

So, don't be afraid, we can't be in a mess right now. "

She lowered her head, her eyes full of panic.

This is more difficult than she imagined.

The senior management behind her was very angry and only said that he would find a way to help her solve it, but whether it can be solved is a problem.

She must at least stabilize Qu Chenzhou now.

If Qu Chenzhou does something again, it will drag her back...

Qu Chenzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

To him now, Fu Qiangwei is his only life-saving straw.

As for Xu You...

He thinks of a way to get in touch.

This is really shooting himself in the foot, smashing it completely.


Qu Chenzhou and Fu Qiangwei didn't expect it.

Two hours later.

The black material of the two of them was exposed.

Obviously they are all newcomers, and they are not very popular, but they have occupied several hot searches, and the popularity remains high. It is clear that someone deliberately sent them on the hot search.

And there is a group of people there to popularize their black stuff.

Not only that.

When Chu Heng revealed the evidence that it was Fu Qiangwei and Qu Chenzhou who deliberately slandered Chu Cha and Nan Yi, fans went crazy to tear them apart.

is so deceiving!

Their little brother, how could he be framed like this!

As this happens.

The things that Fu Qiangwei did were also pulled out by University A student to learn about it.

Melon-eating crowd: Tsk, these two are a perfect match!

The person who has seen Fu Qiangwei and Qu Chenzhou's sweet love:? ? ? What? You say they are a perfect match? That's right, they used to be boyfriend and girlfriend! Then we broke up!

Melon-eating masses + fans, "..."


The boyfriend and girlfriend who broke up are about to play a pair of lovers in the play!

Wait a minute, did Qu Chenzhou say that he is single?

After all, we didn’t break up at that time.

Well, another black spot, keep on black!

There is also that Fu Qiangwei, who is set to overturn the car directly, what is the innocent, gentle beauty? It's all fake!

Qu Chenzhou and Fu Qiangwei were immediately stunned.

The first reaction of the two was to find their respective sponsors.

Qu Chenzhou changed the number to contact Xu You.

As soon as he was connected, Xu You hung up the phone as soon as he heard his voice, not giving him a chance at all.

(end of this chapter)