Chapter 1238: I became the gold owner of my little brother (End)

Chapter 1238 I became my little brother's gold master (End)

At first, fans would be surprised, happy and excited when they saw Nan Yi coming to A University.

Later, gradually, Nan Yi came more often, and they saw more, so the mood didn't have much ups and downs.

Until half a month later.

Nan Yi wants to join a new crew.

just stopped appearing at school one after another.

The time to join the group this time will be longer than last time.

And the filming location is in another city, not the local area, so Cha Cha can’t run there often, only when there is time on weekends, will he run out of place.

The relationship between the two has always been stable.

can be said to be the envy of others.

Especially Nan Yi.

Every time I see a little girl appearing, the nostalgia and doting in my eyes can make me tired.


Three months later.

Nanyi's new drama is on the air.

Whether it is the ratings or the number of broadcasts on the video platform, it has exceeded expectations, and it can be said to be a good review.

It needs to have acting skills, good looks and good looks, and a plot with a plot, no blood or water, well-made, and it is a drama worth chasing.

Nami's fan base has also risen sharply.

All major advertisers have thrown out olive branches, making Xingchen earn a lot of money.

Cha Cha happily called Chu Heng.

"I just said that he must be able to fire!"

Chu Heng, "Well, my sister has a very good eye. Next time, when you have time, come to the company to help me see the newly signed artist."

For his sister, he has never been stingy with praise.

Chacha suddenly remembered something, "Okay, by the way, have you caught up with your sweetheart?"

Chu Heng was silent for a moment.

"Good, change the subject."

Chacha, "...Brother don't cry, others don't want you, I want you, you will always be my good brother."

The little girl hurriedly comforted.

I didn't expect her brother to be so miserable.

He didn't catch his sweetheart.

You are okay, there is no love, we still have a career!

Anyway, there will be better ones in the future.

Chu Heng hung up the phone in a complicated mood.

Forget it, he continued to fight for his career.

He wants to earn more money to support his younger sister.


one year later.

Nanyi's career is booming.

He proved with his strength that he himself can raise the little girl very well.

His relationship with Cha Cha is also very stable.

Seeing that the little girl has finally reached the legal age for marriage.

Nan Yi took her to the Civil Affairs Bureau directly on her birthday to get a certificate.

I can finally take people home!

In the future, we can live together openly and aboveboard.

Noon on the day when the certificate is received.

Nan Yi shared the news on Weibo.

Fans, what else can I do with "..."? Bless you of course!

And more than a year.

Fans love Chacha.

Such a cute little girl, who doesn't like it?

Sometimes, they all want to **** the little girl from Nan Yi.

is cute and cute, cute and soft.

Unfortunately, they couldn't beat Nan Yi.

can't take the little cutie away.

can only watch the two of them happy.


Late at night.

Nanyi put away the marriage certificate.

hugged her and kissed her for a while.

"Baby, you are mine alone."

The little girl blushed and responded, "... um."

He is also hers alone.

Well, she got the certificate so soon, in fact, she is still a little confused!

did not wait for her to continue to think deeply.

Nan Yi stretched out his hand and hugged the person into the quilt with gentle movements.


Before meeting her, he once thought about how he would go on in this life, about living alone.

Later, I met her.

His world is full of sunshine.

He is no longer alone.

He will be very happy with her.

The rest of his life is her.

(end of this chapter)