Chapter 1242: There are also systems for women's matching (4)

Chapter 1242 Female supporting roles also have systems (4)

Cha Cha smiled at Xiao Yingyue.

The smile is sweet.

A crisp and pleasant voice sounded.

"Why is my sister standing there? Want some cakes?"

The little girl squeezed a piece of cake and shook it, the smile on her face became brighter.

Xiao Yingyue looked at Lan Ying next to her, and looked around the room again. There was no trace of blood. The person who had already died was sitting there just fine.

She subconsciously took a step back.

A look of panic flashed in his eyes.

For a moment.

Xiao Yingyue calmed down, and a stiff smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "No need, sister, I suddenly remembered that I have something to do, so I'll go first."

The words fall.

left in a hurry.

for fear that Cha Cha would stop her.

Lan Ying looked at Xiao Yingyue's back strangely.

"Miss, Second Miss looks so strange."

Chacha, "Well, maybe I've done too much because of my heart!"

I'm guessing that this time I was not too scared.

Well, surprise!

She turned her head and squeezed a piece of cake into Lan Ying's mouth, "Is it delicious?"

Lan Ying, "Delicious!"


Xiao Yingyue hurriedly ran out of the west courtyard.

accidentally bumped into a maid on the way.

She couldn't care less, found a place where no one was there, and communicated with the system in a low voice.

"System? Why is it like this? Xiao Cha didn't die? I watched her die with my own eyes, how could she not die!"

The    system was silent for a few seconds, [I will check her condition. 】

"Then hurry up." Xiao Yingyue urged.

At the same time, he quickly went to the southern courtyard to find Mrs. Xiao, his biological mother.

has not arrived at the South Court yet.

The system's voice is serious, [No, I can't detect any information about her now, and I can't control her anymore, it's like I've cut off the connection completely, you tell me what happened before! 】

It's impossible not to detect her message.

It can still be detected before the obvious.

Xiao Yingyue said it carefully, her forehead was covered in cold sweat.

The    system fell silent.

According to the progress, Xiao Cha is now a dead person.

simply cannot exist in the world.

But now, sitting there well?

After a long time.

The system said solemnly, "There is only one possibility left. The moment she was killed by you, she encountered something that could change her fate, such as: having the same system as you."

Xiao Yingyue paused, "Impossible!"

Her eyes were full of anger.

She is the most unique person in this world!

Only she can have the system and reach the peak, why can Xiao Cha also have the system?

If Xiao Cha also has the same system as her, what is the meaning of her existence? She is the one who can change the world!

The    system noticed her mood swings and reminded, [Please pay attention to your mood. 】

【Although I cannot detect her information, the bond between me and you and myself have not been attacked from outside.

Maybe because of my appearance, the energy of this world is fluctuated, and other systems are attracted.

But this is not the point, the point is your mission, to **** the halo of the heroine, as long as the mission is completed, even if she has a system, it is useless.

Besides, for the time being, it’s not certain whether she actually has the system, maybe her current situation belongs to rebirth or transmigration. 】

The    system explained patiently.

The so-called halo of the heroine is that everyone likes the heroine, and the male protagonist and the supporting cast have no regrets for the heroine.

Originally, if Xiao Cha dies, their mission progress will increase to 50%.

(end of this chapter)