Chapter 1244: There are also systems for women's matching (6)

Chapter 1244 Women's Support also has a system (6)

Di Lin paused.

meaningfully hooked his lips.

"Go and prepare, this prince is going to the General's Mansion to see the future prince concubine."

Dark Guard, "Yes."

Di Lin put down the book in his hand, the ink in his eyes was almost too thick to melt.

He has no interest in this future princess.

In those days, the father and the emperor pointed to the belly for marriage.

He was young and didn't know what that meant.


It was obvious that someone wanted to break his engagement with the General's Mansion.

He would like to see what kind of madness his crown princess has become.


General's House.

Chacha has found out about the restaurants and pastry shops in the city in recent days.

She put a silver note in her pocket and was about to take Lan Ying out for a meal when she saw Lan Ying running in eagerly.

"Miss is not good, the Crown Prince has come to the General's Mansion!"

Chacha looked at her puzzled, "His Royal Highness came to the General's Mansion, what are you anxious about?"

Lan Ying gasped and said intermittently.

"The slaves are afraid... in case, in case..." His Royal Highness the Crown Prince came to break off the marriage, so the young lady is going to be laughed at?

These days, the city is full of discussions about marriage contracts.

It is said that the prince wants to dissolve the engagement.

Isn't that just to break off the marriage?

Cha Cha tilted his head and said, "Even if you're here to break off the marriage, you don't have to be afraid! It's not a big deal."

Lan Ying, "..."

Why isn't this a big deal?

This matter can affect the rest of Miss's life.

If the prince really broke off the marriage, who else would the young lady marry in the future?

"Miss, you can't talk nonsense later! You're not sick or crazy, you're fine! I'll see the prince later, let's talk..."

Her young lady is alive and kicking, where is she crazy?

Lan Ying felt more uncomfortable the more she thought about it.

Ms. Mingming used to be normal.

Now she is only talking nonsense occasionally. Those people outside don't understand anything at all. Her young lady is not a lunatic!

Chacha knows the meaning of Lanying.

Seeing her agitated, he comforted her.

"I'm fine, I won't talk nonsense anymore, let's go, go to the front hall and see what the Prince is doing here."

Lan Ying looked at her calm appearance and became even more worried.

She lifted her heels up.


Mrs. Xiao, also known as Xu Caixiao, was sitting there crying to His Royal Highness.

"His Royal Highness, you must not believe those rumors outside, Chacha is not in a good state recently, but she is definitely not a lunatic as they say.

The matter of the second prince, although I don't know what the situation is, I believe that my family Chacha will give you an explanation..."

Chacha stepped into the front hall and looked at Xu Caixiao lightly.

If she hadn't known that Xu Caixiao secretly wanted to kill her with Xiao Yingyue's mother and daughter, she would have believed that Xu Caixiao was a good mother.

Unfortunately, bad guys are bad guys, it's useless to act again.

Xiao Li never owed Xu Caixiao and his daughter, but these two were too dissatisfied.

gave the titles of Mrs. General and Miss General, but it was not enough.

Tsk, Xiao Yingyue wasn't surnamed Xiao back then.

It was Xiao Yingyue who insisted on changing her daughter's surname to Xiao.

even now.

Many people thought that Xiao Yingyue was really the second young lady of the General's Mansion.

But no one remembered that Xiao Yingyue was the daughter of Lieutenant General Xiao Rui.

Cha Cha walked over slowly, looking calm.

"I think I'm in good shape recently."

His black and white eyes followed, and he stayed on Di Lin for a few seconds before falling on Xu Caixiao again.

(end of this chapter)