Chapter 1246: There are also systems for women's matching (8)

Chapter 1246 Female supporting roles also have systems (8)

Seeing Xu Caixiao's eyes change again and again.

Chacha pondered, maybe thinking of some bad idea.

She tilted her head to look at Di Lin.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds.

She smiled, "Is Your Highness here to see me?"

The little girl is not polite at all.

Di Lin covered the surprise in his eyes and responded, "Yes."

gave her enough face in front of Xu Caixiao.

This makes Chacha very satisfied.

"Since you are here to see me, then your Highness will follow me to the West Courtyard."

No need to waste time in the front hall.

Xu Caixiao was scolded by her for a few words, but now she is a lot more honest, and she didn't say anything more.

It is said that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is notoriously difficult to mess with.

She was expecting Xiao Cha to anger the prince.

When the time comes, Xiao Cha will naturally be taught a lesson without her taking action.

And Yingyue told her.

There is no relationship at all between His Royal Highness the Prince and Xiao Cha.

Therefore, Xu Caixiao is very sure that Xiao Cha will definitely anger the prince in the next time...

Di Lin did not refute Cha Cha's proposal.

got up and followed her to the west courtyard.

He felt that the little girl seemed a lot cuter than before.

Every move has also become more attractive to him.

seems a little more agile?

That feeling, he couldn't tell.

But at present, he does not reject her, and even wants to get close to her.

The little girl walked for a while, then suddenly stopped and looked back at Di Lin.

"I suddenly feel that it's getting late, so why don't we go to the Western Courtyard, why don't we go to a restaurant outside the General's Mansion, sit down and have a chat while eating and drinking?"

Lan Ying, "..." My eldest lady, what are you talking about?

Let His Highness follow you to the west courtyard for a while, and let His Highness go out of the General’s Mansion with you for a while?

Miss   , you two are not married yet! This is too familiar.

She was afraid that this temperamental and moody prince would directly turn his face...

Di Lin looked at the little girl's staring eyes and found it very interesting. At the same time, he couldn't bear to refuse her proposal, for fear that she would cry on the spot after he refused.

"Okay, how about the first floor?" he asked.

The voice is cool and cool, without too much emotion.

Chacha nodded quickly, "Okay, okay!"

The first floor is the largest restaurant in Tianshu Kingdom. Unfortunately, the last time she wanted to go in, she was rejected by the restaurant's people, so she couldn't go in, and she wouldn't let her in after spending money...

Now hearing Di Lin said to go to the first floor, the little girl's eyes lit up and she wanted to run over immediately.

The gate of the General's Mansion.

Chacha and his party stood there.

She looked at the luxurious and solemn carriage in front of her, which was the exclusive property of Emperor Lin, and no one could sit in the same carriage with him.

Thinking of this, she looked at Di Lin, "I'll ask someone to prepare another carriage, please wait for a while..." After saying this, even she felt a little embarrassed.

Too many things, too many words.

Dilin shook his head indifferently, "Don't be so troublesome, you and I can share a carriage."

Chacha, "???"

Lan Ying, "..."

Dark Wei Xingyun, "..."

Your Highness, are you serious?


When did His Highness speak so well?

is simply incredible.

He bowed his head and took the initiative to walk over to lift the curtain of the car.

Di Lin stretched out his hand to signal for Cha Cha to get on the carriage first.

Cha Cha nodded, "Your Highness, you are so kind."

Take her to the first floor and invite her to ride in the carriage?

His temper is okay, he is not moody at all. Sure enough, the rumors are all fake.

It becomes inexplicable as it is passed on.

(end of this chapter)