Chapter 1248: There are also systems for women's matching (10)

Chapter 1248 Women's Support also has a system (10)

The second prince glanced at Cha Cha.

His face was not very happy.

"Brother Huang, why did you bring her?"

A crazy woman can also enter the first floor?

Will it lower the threshold of the first floor in the future?

Di Lin raised his eyebrows to look at him, his long and narrow phoenix eyes filled with coldness.

"What? Who is this prince going to bring, should I ask your opinion first?"

"I didn't mean that, Brother Huang." The second prince hurriedly retorted, "I just think that Miss Xiao is not in good health and should not go out. She should rest in the General's Mansion."

This is a very euphemism.

However, upon closer inspection, it is full of irony.

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at him.

Before waiting for Di Lin to refute, she took the lead.

"Second Prince, don't worry, I pestered you before, it was true that I was ill, and there was something wrong with my brain, but now, I'm fine, and naturally I won't pester you again when I'm awake."

After the words were finished, she looked at Xiao Yingyue meaningfully.

Xiao Yingyue also looked at her with a full smile.


Chacha immediately gave Xiao Yingyue a particularly sweet smile.

The shocked Xiao Yingyue took a step back subconsciously.

Her pupils shrank, her expression slightly unnatural.

The second prince looked a little embarrassed.

Some words are not suitable to be said in public, just be clear in your heart, but Xiao Cha not only said it, but also stepped on his face?

What is meant by not pestering him when he is awake?

He's a dignified second prince, is he bad?

Who was the one who stalked him back then?

He looked at Cha Cha with dissatisfaction.

looks like a clever little girl, and she looks good, but unfortunately, not only is she bad, but her mouth is also poisonous.

is obviously the daughter of the Xiao family, but Xiao Yingyue is gentle and kind.

On the other hand, Xiao Cha is shameless. Even though he has a marriage contract, he still pesters him. Even if Xiao Cha just said that, he still thinks that Xiao Cha is just talking nonsense.

After all, I didn’t even want to die for him.

How could    be repentant?

Thinking so, he decided that he must let the prince see Xiao Cha's true colors.

"Brother Huang, since we happened to meet, why don't we go together?"

Maybe he will reveal his true colors soon.

Di Lin glanced at the little girl beside him.

Seeing that she had no objections, he agreed to the second prince's proposal.

Just right, he also wanted to see what the little girl's attitude towards the second prince is now.

If he still stubbornly likes the second prince, then he...

In the wing.

Cha Cha sat down with Di Lin.

Xiao Yingyue was sitting beside the second prince.

The four of them are together, and the atmosphere is awkward and awkward.

After a long time, Xiao Yingyue was the first to say, "How did my sister meet His Royal Highness?" She looked at Chacha curiously.

She didn't believe it would be a coincidence.

Cha Cha had a faint smile on his face, "His Royal Highness came to visit me at the General's Mansion, didn't you meet me?"

Xiao Yingyue's eyes flashed slightly, "So that's how it is."

Knowing that the prince would go to the general's mansion, she would not invite the second prince.

Xiao Yingyue asked a few more questions.

The atmosphere not only failed to ease, but became more embarrassing.

Until Cha Cha asked the second prince with a smile, "The second prince is so close to my sister, but is he interested in my sister?"

The second prince frowned, "...How can Miss Xiao be so straightforward?"

Hearing this, Cha Cha looked at him in confusion.

"You ask my sister every day, can't I ask?"

The second prince was speechless for a moment.

But he made appointments with Xiao Yingyue every day and did nothing.

I don't know why, when this matter came into her mouth, it seemed to change the taste...

(end of this chapter)