Chapter 1251: There are also systems for women's matching (13)

Chapter 1251 Women also have systems (13)

The windows of the wing were opened.

Cha Cha looked down from the top.

At a glance, he saw Xiao Yingyue being carried into the carriage by the second prince, and her cautious appearance was like holding a peerless treasure.

Chacha hurriedly motioned Xingyun to close the window.

Learning Xiao Yingyue's tone of voice, he muttered to himself, "I and the second prince are innocent?"

Bah, I've hugged them all, is this still called innocent?

How about being a fool?

Di Lin glanced at the little girl.

"It's time to get ready for dinner."

Chacha responded obediently.

perfectly interprets the change of face in a second, as if the aggressive person just now was not her.

Di Lin did not ask about the relationship between Cha Cha and Xiao Yingyue.

In his opinion, she doesn't care about the second prince now, that's the most important thing.

Fortunately, the little girl did not disappoint him.


Di Lin's eyes darkened.

Cha Cha looked at Di Lin and thought about what just happened.

She felt that some things still needed to be made clear.

Just like the second prince, if she hadn't met here, she would have forgotten about this person.

She approached Di Lin with a soft voice.

"Your Highness, I'm not crazy, don't get me wrong."

There are some rumors that are believed by many people.

Di Lin hummed, "I know." A lunatic wouldn't have such a clear logic.

The confrontation between    and Xiao Yingyue just now, it was obvious that the little girl had the upper hand.

And his movements are crisp and neat, and he fights, as expected of the general's daughter, and his skills are quite good.

Chacha said again, "And the second prince, I really don't like him at all!"

So stupid, she's not blind!

But the affair between her and the second prince has been rumored, and it is estimated that everyone in the city knows it, and the prince must also know it.

She tilted her head, as if thinking about how to explain it.

If she said that someone controlled her behavior, the prince would probably think she was abnormal.

She sighed in embarrassment, "...If I said I hit the evil, would you believe it, Your Highness?"

The little girl looked at him eagerly.

Di Lin looked into her eyes and replied, "I believe everything you say."

chacha, “…”

Wait a minute, this development doesn't seem right.

She felt that the Emperor was teasing her.

But she has no proof.

Ah no, she has evidence! He was flirting with her, otherwise why would he say such a thing!

The little girl stumblingly explained, "But, I'm not hitting the evil, I... If I say it, you won't believe it."

Di Lin raised his eyebrows, "If you don't say it, how do you know I don't believe it?"

He was curious about what secret the little girl was hiding.

And as far as he knew.

Xiao Cha from the previous month, in terms of his behavior, was indeed insane.

He investigated, Xiao Cha and the second prince had no contact before that, and suddenly madly entangled the second prince...

She said that it was evil, and he really believed it. After all, the world is huge, and there are all kinds of surprises.

Chacha glanced at Xingyun, and the meaning in his eyes was obvious.

Xingyun, "..." Okay, he understands, he can't listen to this, he silently left the wing.

Di Lin smiled, the little girl was quite serious.

Cha Cha said obediently, "I was controlled by my behavior, so I did those incredible things."

Di Lin was slightly startled.

A bit of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

Controlled behavior?

This is really surprising.

However, nothing is impossible.

He was concerned, "What about now? Will it still be controlled?"

Chacha shook his head, "It won't be controlled, but don't you think my words sound incredible?"

This kind of thing, he believed it so easily? ?

This ability to accept is too powerful?

(end of this chapter)