Chapter 1278: There are also systems for women's matching (40)

Chapter 1278 Female supporting roles also have systems (40)

The smile on Xiao Yingyue's face was a little unbearable.

She really did not expect that Xiao Cha became more articulate after not seeing him for a few days.

If this is not resolved as soon as possible, after another two years, will she still have a place to stand?

She explained aloud, "It's the first time I've been separated from my sister for such a long time. I just wanted to see my sister earlier. I didn't think about anything else. I was negligent. I hope the Crown Prince forgives me."

's pretty little face was about to cry.

Di Lin didn't even give him a look, he raised his hand and squeezed a piece of cake and brought it to Chacha's mouth.

The little girl kept staring at the pastry, and he saw it.

Cha Cha's eyes flashed, and Di Lin was still as careful as before.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

The small interaction between the two fell into Xiao Yingyue's eyes, which made her whole person feel bad.

How many days?

Xiao Cha and Di Lin have gotten along so sweetly?

She was so anxious that she couldn't show it on her face.

In case the third prince catches an inappropriate expression, it will easily make him suspicious.

Di Lin is in a good mood.

Leng looked at the third prince after feeding a few pieces of cake.

"Is the third prince looking for me for something?"

"Actually, it's nothing, just passing by. Seeing Miss Xiao and Mrs. Xiao waiting at the door, I took a look and followed the trend. I also hope that the emperor will not dislike me and come to the house to harass me."

The third prince explained slowly.

Cha Cha looked at the third prince with a half-smile.

, who believes this?

She smiled at him.

"The third prince is very busy, so he can actually pass by the gate of the Prince's Mansion? However, after careful calculation, the third prince and my sister are quite related."

There is no deeper meaning in what you say.

The third prince's face flashed, "Miss Xiao is joking."

The moment    lowered his eyes, a dark color flashed across his eyes.

This may be unintentional or intentional.

He wasn't sure.

The only thing that can be seen is that his brother, the crown prince, really likes Xiao Cha.

If his plan with Xiao Yingyue is successful.

Taking Xiao Cha from Di Lin, I believe Di Lin's reaction must be fun.

He pursed his lips quietly.

At this moment, he suddenly began to look forward to this plan.

"Since the emperor wants to entertain the second young lady and Mrs. Xiao, then I will leave first. I have other things to do, so I will come back to disturb you another day."

He looked at Di Lin.

I saw Di Lin nodded.

The third prince withdrew his gaze and turned to leave.

It is obvious that there will be other good dramas in the future, but Xiao Cha's words also clearly mean that he is not welcome. At this time, he naturally has to be more interesting and propose to leave.

The third prince came gently and left gently.

Xiao Yingyue's eyes were slightly disdainful.

The third prince is just the third prince, and can never be compared with the real male protagonist. Once he stands with the emperor, that is the difference between a fish eye and a pearl.

She looked at Di Lin weakly.


Di Lin just didn't look at her.

This made Xiao Yingyue feel a little frustrated. Of course, it was more of her jealousy and resentment towards Xiao Cha.

Xu Caixiao spoke up at the right time.

"Besides coming to see you, I also want to tell you about your father. I had agreed with your father before that I would send him a letter every once in a while. Look, what should I write in the letter this time?"

Cha Cha narrowed her eyes, if it wasn't for Xu Caixiao's reminder, she would have almost forgotten about it.

According to her thoughts, it must not distract Xiao Lu.

On the battlefield, it has always been cruel.

Of course, he can't be in danger because he is distracted by things at home.

she said, "I will write this letter."

As soon as   's voice fell, Xiao Yingyue and Xu Caixiao's faces became a little nervous.

Xiao Yingyue reminded aloud, "In the past, it was my mother who wrote letters to report safety."

(end of this chapter)