Chapter 1292: There are also systems for women's matching (54)

Chapter 1292 Female supporting roles also have systems (54)

Cha Cha kicked open Xiao Yingyue's door.

When she walked in, Xiao Yingyue was huddled on the bed, it seemed that she had suffered a big blow because of the third prince.

Cha Cha squinted his eyes.

She didn't think Xiao Yingyue's psychological endurance was so poor.

"The third prince, side concubine, are you satisfied with this calculation?" Cha Cha said calmly, her beautiful little face full of calm.

Xiao Yingyue didn't answer her, she still shrank.

didn't seem to hear her.

Chacha laughed as if thinking of something.

"Don't you think that you are pretending to be crazy and selling stupid, and to help the third prince get through this crisis, you will have a new chance to turn over? If so, then you are really naive!"

Chacha just figured things out.

Xiao Yingyue is at most unable to accept the development of the situation, which is not a fatal blow to herself. She is now acting like a fool after being greatly stimulated, but it seems that she is trying to give the third prince a chance to turn over.

But Xiao Yingyue couldn't do such a useless thing.

Unless the third prince promised her something.


Xiao Yingyue still doesn't know the third prince well enough.

A person like the third prince can only push everything on Xiao Yingyue and let everyone scold Xiao Yingyue...

Xiao Yingyue's silence did not affect Cha Cha's continued speech.

Chacha, "Many people now think that you are the third prince's side concubine, and you don't hesitate to count the third prince. They are all feeling sorry for the third prince, but the third prince has turned over, but what about you?

Tsk, those daughters in the city today, I'm afraid they've already put you in their hearts and scolded you countless times. It's not a wise choice to seek skin with a tiger. "

She smiled at Xiao Yingyue.

for a long time.

Xiao Yingyue looked up at her with resentment in her eyes.

still didn't say anything.

In this regard, Cha Cha is not at all embarrassed.

On the contrary, he walked out happily.

When    went out, he also muttered to Qiqi.

"Do you think Xiao Yingyue and I are persecuting her innocent little white flower now?"

Qiqi, [Where is she innocent? ? 】It was obviously her own calculation!

Xiao Yingyue didn't finish the game, then it was his host who was miserable.

Cha Cha continued, "Actually, I think I have the potential to be a villain, Qiqi, why don't you give me a chance next time to be a villain?"

Qiqi fell into contemplation.

Be the villain?

In case the host becomes the villain, it is afraid that the host will directly tear down the small plane...

It feels terrible for a long time to think about it.

Still forget it.

After    Cha Cha left, Xiao Yingyue sat there with a gloomy expression.

Of course she knew that the third prince was using her to turn around.

wants to put everything on her and become a victim.

But in that case, what can she do?

The third prince pinched her neck, making her pretend to be stimulated and look abnormal...

If she refused, she might have been strangled by the third prince at the time, and the system would have to abandon her... She has nothing left. If she cooperates with the third prince, she will be an ally of the third prince in the future, and she will have the opportunity to turn over instead...

Cha Cha came out of the South Courtyard.

Lan Ying also released Xu Caixiao.

Xu Caixiao hurriedly entered the room, "Yingyue? Are you okay? Did she do anything to you?"

Xiao Yingyue shook her head, "It's just a few words of ridicule, nothing major, don't worry, mother, I won't admit defeat because of these things, the road ahead is still long, and it's unclear who will kill the deer!"

(end of this chapter)