Chapter 1302: There are also systems for women's matching (64)

Chapter 1302 Women also have systems (64)


Xiao Li really returned to the General's Mansion.

Chacha got the news in advance, and there were no surprises.

She took a closer look at Xu Caixiao and found that Xu Caixiao didn't have any unexpected expressions, but was a little nervous.

As for Xiao Yingyue, she is full of smiles, tsk, it can be seen that the psychological quality is excellent.

Xiao Rui looked at his daughter seriously, his eyes were red, "You've lost weight again."

Chacha, "..." It's impossible to be thin, but it's a few pounds fatter.

"Father, why did you come back suddenly? Did you enter the palace to face the saint?" She asked calmly.

Looking at Xiao Li's flamboyant appearance, it doesn't seem like he has ever entered the palace.

Xiao Rui waved his hand in a big way, "I heard that you were wronged outside, so I couldn't wait to rush back. Naturally, the palace hasn't passed yet, but someone sent a letter to the emperor."

He is not someone who doesn't understand the rules.

is a good daughter, not only knows to care about him, but also knows to think about him.

Cha Cha frowned and looked at Xu Caixiao and Xiao Yingyue.

"I don't know who daddy told me, I was wronged? Now that my daughter is not only supported by the prince, but also concerned by His Majesty, who dares to bully me?"

Xiao Rui was a little puzzled, hey, when did the daughter come together with the prince?

did not wait for him to ask the exit.

Xiao Yingyue stepped forward and said, "Dad, you are working day and night, and you must be very tired. You should sit down and rest for a while. No matter what happens, let my sister tell you slowly."

She helped Xiao Ruan to sit down, her movements were gentle.

Xiao Li nodded, "Yingyue looks pretty good."

"This time, I got a piece of jade outside, just enough to make some jewelry for the two of you." Xiao Lu said happily, but he didn't notice what was different in the house this time.

Xiao Yingyue's movement of serving tea stopped.

But it was only a moment, she handed it to Xiao Rui, "Daddy must be tired and thirsty now, I'll let someone prepare dinner."

"Yeah, Yingyue is still so caring." Xiao Lu stretched out his hand to take the tea handed by Xiao Yingyue and sighed.

When Xiao Li brought the tea to his mouth.

Chacha suddenly made a sound.


Xiao Li was startled, looked up and asked her, "What's wrong?"

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at Xiao Yingyue, "I'm so sorry, I forgot to mention, His Highness told me in the morning that you will be home at night, so I asked someone to prepare meals in advance."

She smiled and grabbed the tea from Xiao Lu's hand.

"It's rare for Yingyue to be so considerate. You should drink this tea, don't waste it."

Xiao Yingyue's face changed.

for a moment.

She took the tea and drank it.

"It really can't be wasted, but it's a pity that Daddy didn't drink the tea I made with my own hands."

Cha Cha frowned.

Did you guess wrong?

Didn't Xiao Yingyue poison the tea?

However, Xiao Yingyue and Xu Caixiao had different expressions.

Chacha turned to look at Xiao Lu, "It's okay, I'll make a cup myself."

"Then let's go to the West Court together?" Xiao Ruo said.

It was obvious that Xiao Yingyue and Xu Caixiao would go to the West Court together.

Cha Cha's face darkened, "It's inconvenient, His Royal Highness is also there, waiting for you, Daddy! And the food is not enough, there are only three servings."

Xiao Rui was startled for a moment, then looked at his good daughter and Xiao Yingyue in confusion.

During the time when he was not at home, was this a trouble?

Without waiting for him to say anything, Lan Ying stepped forward and took Xiao Lu to the West Courtyard. Cha Cha turned around and looked at the tea cup, "Xingyun, take the tea cup back and check it carefully."

Xiao Yingyue looked embarrassed, "What do you mean? Do you suspect me of poisoning?"

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at her, "Yeah, I'm just suspecting you of poisoning."

(end of this chapter)