Chapter 1320: The president is fine again (6)

Chapter 1320 The president is fine again (6)

Cheng Yu put the bag full of jewelry in the trunk.

Then he took out the hemp rope tape and other items from the inside.

There is no one here.

Even if he really did something, no one would find out.

So, he can go straight to his plan next.

He planned to take some indecent photos of Xu Cha with his mobile phone, and then used it to threaten her. As long as she dared to call the police or tell others, he would publish these indecent photos.

When the time comes, even if he is caught, her reputation will be ruined.

The Xu family wants to save face and will definitely not allow this kind of thing to happen.

Cheng Yu's face was full of smiles. In order to prevent accidents, he first tied the little girl's hands and feet with ropes.

Just tied her wrists, and was about to tie her feet.

A curious voice sounded, "What are you tying me for?"

Cheng Yu was taken aback.

When    looked up, he saw the bound man open his eyes.

It's only been over half an hour, how could she suddenly wake up?

Cheng Yu was stunned for a while, but it didn't matter, he woke up when he woke up, and it happened that they could talk directly.

Anyway, now she is tied by him and can't run away.

Cheng Yu looked at the well-behaved and harmless little girl and said, "Cousin, brother is short of money, you see you spent two million casually, can you lend me some help?"

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at him, "If you just borrow money, what would you do with me? And what about the jewelry I bought? You took it away too?"

Cheng Yu was seen through his intentions, and he didn't feel anything.

He looked at her with a smile, then took her bag and took out the bank card in the bag, "Tell me the password!"

Cha Cha's eyes flashed slightly, "Even if you know the password, what's the use? If I guessed correctly, the Xu family should have frozen all the accounts under my name by now.

After all, after so long, I just spent so much money, and I haven’t returned to Xu’s house. No matter how stupid the Xu’s family is, they should have reacted. They knew that I had run away, so how could they continue to let me waste Xu’s money recklessly. What about the money at home? "

Cheng Yu's face changed.

How could he forget about this?

Do not!

He was about to have a large amount of money in his hands, how could he let it go so easily!

"Hurry up and say your password!"

Cheng Yu quickly took Chacha's mobile phone and tried to use this card to transfer money on the APP.

Chacha said the password very simply.

"Since you don't believe it, try it yourself!"

Cheng Yu immediately tried the password and the password was correct, but as she said, this card has been frozen...

Cheng Yu was really unexpected about this development.

He clutched the phone and looked at the card again.

The taste of wealth within reach, but always out of reach, makes Cheng Yu look hideous.

"Then go back to Xu's house now and give me a sum of money every month! Otherwise, I will put your photo on the Internet, and then you will be embarrassed!"

He looked at Cha Cha fiercely and threatened with anger.

Chacha, "???" This is indeed a good idea, but... who gave him the confidence?

Could it be that she looks too unkillable?

And he didn't even have time to take a picture, was it a little stupid to start threatening her like this?

She glanced at Cheng Yu, "You have a good idea, but it's a little dangerous. Do you know that your behavior is illegal?"

Cheng Yu rebutted confidently.

"I know that my behavior is against the law, but once you call the police and arrest me, no matter how fast you act, your photo will be sent by me. When the police arrest me, you will also be destroyed.

Cousin, Miss Xu! You have a bright future and infinite possibilities in the future, why do you have to lose yourself? I only want money, as long as I take the money, I can guarantee that no one else will see the photos except me! "

(end of this chapter)