Chapter 1326: The president is fine again (12)

Chapter 1326 The president is fine again (12)

The housekeeper was beside him, and his face was also confused.

can only walk over and coax him softly, "Little Master? You let go of Miss Xu first."

Chu Mingzhe glared at him.

"If you let me go, I'll let go, so how shameless am I?"

The housekeeper thought for a while, "Then don't let go?"

Chu Mingzhe is righteous, "I also don't think I should let her go. Such a beautiful young lady, as soon as I let go, she may run away, I can't let her run!"

The housekeeper wiped his sweat and sighed silently.

had no choice but to look at Cha Cha, "Miss Xu has worked hard, my young master he..."

Chacha, "I understand."

She looked at Chu Mingzhe, "Since we have all arrived at the door, let's go first?"

Chu Mingzhe nodded happily, "I listen to you!"

Miss sister is good-looking, everything is right.

The housekeeper had to lead the way.

Why did he suddenly get sick again?

The housekeeper was a little flustered.

After all, there have been no problems for a long time.

I don’t know what will happen this time.

"Chu..." Cha Cha wanted to call Mr. Chu, but then changed his name, "How old is the young master this year?"

Chu Mingzhe looked at Chacha shyly.

Chacha, "???" Wait, what do you mean by this shy face?

Immediately afterwards, she heard Chu Mingzhe whispering, "Eighteen years old, just coming of age, will Miss Sister want to fall in love with me? The first time I saw Miss Sister, I felt that Miss Sister seemed to know me before, as if she was in a relationship with me. Where have you seen it, maybe this is fate!"

Chacha looked at the housekeeper silently.

The housekeeper has a complicated expression, "..."

Well, I am now an eighteen-year-old young master. I have just grown up, and I am in love. It is normal to like beautiful young ladies.

Although when I was 18 years old, there was no sign of wanting to fall in love, and I messed up the Chu family like a little devil, but the doctor said that there are many uncertainties in the situation of the young master...

Xu Shi Cha Cha didn't answer him in time.

Chu Mingzhe stopped and looked at Chacha with a hurt face.

He shook her arm.

"Miss, don't you like me? Is it because I'm not cute enough? Or am I not good-looking enough? If you don't like me, I'll change it!"

The corner of Chacha's mouth twitched, "Don't you think our progress is too fast? Just met, and you are going to fall in love with me?"

Chu Mingzhe looked like he understood in seconds.

"So you think we have known each other for a short period of time? But Miss, don't you know the word love at first sight? Some people may not have gotten along with each other, but you can still see love at first sight for ten thousand years..."

Chacha couldn't hold back, and retorted, "That's not called love at first sight, that's called love at first sight."

Just like Chu Mingzhe, when he saw her at first glance, he told her that he liked her face and coveted her beauty.

Chu Mingzhe's face sank a little.

"How can you compare me to others?

I fell in love with you at first sight, not just by chance!

Although, the lady is really pretty!

By the way, what is your name, Miss? "

Chacha looked at him meaningfully, "You don't know my name, you like me? You want to fall in love with me? You dare to swear to me that you are not jealous?

are you kidding me? "

Chu Mingzhe blinked blankly.

Soon, he said again, "...I don't know your name, can't I like you? I just like you, I want to fall in love with you, and I want to... marry you!"

At the end, Chu Mingzhe lowered his head and seemed a little embarrassed.

Chacha's expressionless backhand clasped his wrist and pulled him into Chu's house.

The housekeeper sighed, "!!!" Listen, is this what the young master is saying?

An upright hooligan...

(end of this chapter)