Chapter 1337: The president is fine again (27)

Chapter 1337 The president is fine again (27)

Chapter 1337 The president is divided into 23 (the chapter name is wrong)

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched.

was shocked by Chu Mingzhe's shameless words.

What else is he trying to do?

The old man quickly looked at Cha Cha.

Cha Cha is also confused.

She tilted her head to meet Chu Mingzhe's unkind gaze, and took a step back silently.

Suddenly I feel a little weak, pitiful and helpless!

Father Chu pointed at Chu Mingzhe angrily and told him to get out!

Then, Chu Mingzhe walked to the restaurant and prepared for dinner.

Under the old man's reasoning, Chacha was naturally kept. He comforted a few words, for fear that Chu Mingzhe's words just now would cause harm to the little girl.

"He's inhumane when he's normal, like a machine, don't pay attention to him."

Anyway, he would never agree to the little girl leaving the Chu family.

He believes that as long as the time is long enough, the normal Chu Mingzhe will also like the little girl!

Chacha casually inquired about Chu Mingzhe.

Chu Mingzhe will be in a normal state in most cases, that is to say, it will take a long time for her to see Mr. Chu and Master Chu again.

In this regard, she was a little disappointed. Speaking of which, she liked Chu Mingzhe, who was 18 years old.

When I think about the recent period of time, I have to get along with Chu Mingzhe.

Cha Cha felt a bit of a headache.

and the old man chatted a few more times, and the two went to the restaurant together.

Chu Mingzhe's expression was indifferent, without any extraneous expressions.

The old man has long been accustomed to it.

As for Cha Cha, all attention is devoted to the meal at the table.

Chu's chef is amazing!

The taste is very good.

After dinner, Chu Mingzhe didn't speak again, and all over his body was written that strangers should not approach.

The old man was worried that Chacha was not used to it, so he told her a lot of things.

And told her not to be restrained during the day, you can go out to play casually, and gave her a card.

Kindness, she accepted it.

This card, she really doesn't need it.

She spent two million casually before.

In terms of money, she does not lack.

It's not that the Xu family is generous, but that she has money herself. Now that each dimension of her ends, her money will also go up and down!

Not only that, the money, after she entered the new world, can be used at will.

The two million that she spent in the jewelry store with Cheng Yu before was the one she asked Qiqi to transfer to the original owner card.

The old man sighed.

Don't want the card he gave?


Are all young girls so rich now?


Back to the room at night.

Just after taking a shower, the phone rang.

was called by Father Xu.

She frowned and turned the mute.

Father Xu's phone call at this time is nothing more than for profit.

She lives in the Chu family. For Xu's father and mother, perhaps it has changed from a 'goods' to a 'cash cow', which is also a sad point for the original owner.

Xu parents and Xu mothers can abandon their daughters at any time for profit.

It seems that in their eyes, there is always only interest.

The phone screen flashes again.

This time, it was not Xu’s father who called, but Xu Lin, the younger brother of the original owner.

She recalled a little.

The relationship between the original owner and Xu Lin is not very good.

Xu Lin took the initiative to find her, either because he caused trouble, or because he didn't have enough money to spend, thinking about asking for pocket money from the original owner.

There are limits to what parents and mothers can spend on their children.

After all, they don't have a deep background, they are rich, and they are a little self-aware and know that they can't spend like other rich people.

Cha Cha wanted to hang up the phone, but suddenly there was a little more playfulness in his eyes, and he was bored anyway.

She pressed the answer, wanting to hear what Xu Lin would say to her.

(end of this chapter)